❤️❤️‍🔥 Post-Battle

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Clown POV

[Parrot was killed by ClownPierce]

The system message ran through my mind as I stabbed Parrot in the chest.

I smirked.

I had just one the biggest battle of my life. 

Oh, how did I end up here, your wondering?


Two days ago, Parrot blew up my carnival - a build that was in spawn, and known for taking more than just a few stolen hearts. It was a build that me and Branzy worked on.

Parrot found out about this and... let's just say he didn't really like that. You see, Parrot is known for hating me because of my high skill and multiple wins in battles against his team. So he blew it up.

I found out just a day later, and he challenged me in a 1v8. If he won, then I owe him a heart. If he lost, then he would stop worthlessly attacking me. Not to mention he and his team had Branzy captured and was being farmed for hearts. If I lost, then Branzy died. If I won, he would be let free.

So it was kinda a big battle.

That I thankfully won.

My heart pounded in my chest and my ears ringed as I took a step back, catching my breath. My lungs burned from the smell of smoke that surrounded me and the scorched grass laid beneath me. My legs were weak from running and my arms were tired from swinging.

I take a moment to group myself together and catch my breath as I let my mind calm down, after running 20 miles a second.

I smiled.

My black, knee-high boots were muddy and stained with blood while my red-black puffed up pants and cuff sleeves were dirty. My button-up black shirt had my enemy's blood all over it, while my hands that had red gloves and arms with black sleeves held my bloodified sword.

I've smelled worse.

I took off my clown mask and pulled down my jester hood. My pale skin had freckles on my cheeks and my button-nose, which were red from the warmth. My emerald green eyes darted around as I wipe off a bit of blood from the corners of my mouth using my thumb, and put my mask back on.

I look around, checking to make sure no-one was around me, before putting my sword up and sitting down, exhausted. I was near my circus by the river, about 20 blocks away from it. I sighed as I looked at my blown-up circus that I worked so hard on to build.

I'm not mad, just disappointed. Me and Branzy worked on that circus, and it got blown up - twice.



I stand up and message Parrot using my communicator. 

You whisper to Parrot: where is Branzy. Tell me right now or I'll have to find him myself.

Parrot whispered to you: chill, I'm getting him, meet me at -137 ~ 27

I put my communicator up and checked my coords. -52 63 -32. I wasn't far, only a hundred blocks away.

I start heading South-West, towards the coords. 

I arrive about 5 minutes later, a little bit more than damp. I had dipped in the nearby river to wash the blood off, and the sun had dried my clothes a bit. (Let's just say somewhere in the run he took his armor off)

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