What If... N Was Replaced by I? (Captain I AU)

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*Some Changes*

The Squad B1 does not exist.

V never dated I.

The Squad B2 was the only one that went to Copper 9

I is the squad leader and fought the Uzi.

I never created the body.

The Watcher:

I is the leader of Squad B1, he is a dictator who likes to torture his enemies and kill everyone who stands against the company, like N and V. In this universe, I joined V and J's squad and became the leader in J's place, I built various weapons and equipment to help his squad kill the Operatives, but things changed when he met Uzi.

 In this universe, I joined V and J's squad and became the leader in J's place, I built various weapons and equipment to help his squad kill the Operatives, but things changed when he met Uzi

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*With Uzi*

Uzi just left his base and started walking towards the Tower of Corpses, Uzi walked for a few minutes, until he finally found the Tower of Killer Drones. Uzi looked around and didn't see any Assassins, just bodies of Worker Drones and scraps thrown all over the floor, Uzi looked at the floor and found the only missing piece for his Railgun, unfortunately, Uzi was not alone, an Assassin Drone appeared and landed on top of the capsule, it was the I. Luckily, Uzi hid from the Killer in a giant junk "You won't hide from me!" I waved at Uzi with an 'x' on the visor and flew up to the Worker, Uzi was thrown into the air and landed with an anime pose "Wow, and they said pirating all those anime was useless" I appeared in front of Uzi and ripped off his arm with his claws "ARHH" Uzi dropped his Railgun on the ground and was grabbed by I's claws "Idiot!" I threw Uzi to the ground and pierced his left chest with his blade "Last words?" I got on top of Uzi and dropped his machine gun.

I was about to finish Uzi, but Uzi grabbed her Railgun and aimed it at I's head "Bite Me" Uzi hit I with a green beam, ripping his head off "Holy hell... Get that, FATHER!" Before Uzi celebrated, I regenerated his head and started to reset his system, Uzi started to panic, she grabbed a severed arm and threw it at I's head "Did you just slap me with that arm?" I said after restarting "Holy shit he talks" Uzi spoke confused. I put my hand on my head feeling a little pain "Why are you there on the floor?" "Ah... I'm just... I'm resting!" Uzi made up an excuse "Get up, I don't like lazy people!" I ordered scaring Uzi, Uzi stood up feeling pain "Are you new to our squad? You're a little... Small for a Killer Drone" I tried to identify Uzi but his circuitry was at an error "What happened to your arm?" I looked at Uzi with a suspicious look "II...Did I get hurt?" Uzi gave a smile trying to disguise "UGH, come here!" Uzi approached I "What are you going to do?" I started licking Uzi's arm.

Uzi was confused and embarrassed at the same time, I made her arm grow again "Uhhhh..." Uzi couldn't process what was happening, she was cured by a Killer Drone that tried to kill her "Come with me, I'll show you our capsule" I grabbed Uzi's back and led her to his capsule. Uzi was delighted with what she saw, there were several new weapons that the company built and several computers, but what caught her most attention was a large panel that showed any hologram "WOW, did you do all that?" "The computers and the panel are from the company, the weapons I made it" I was proud of himself "Amazing, I wish I had all of this!" "And that weapon you're carrying? Did you make it?" I took the Railgun off Uzi's back "Yes, that's the Railgun, it's capable of killing any Drone with just one shot!" "Including a Killer Drone?" "Yes..." I placed the Railgun on top of the panel with a little fear.

Drones Assassinos (E Se...?)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora