luscious lips

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anyone who knows park jihoon knows that he has an obsession with choi hyunsuk's lips. the only person who doesn't know is none other than choi hyunsuk himself.

jihoon isn't proud of it, in fact, he's quite ashamed. he knows it's unhealthy to spend hours gazing at someone's lips, he's not a fucking idiot.

but every time he attempts to do something about it, his addiction just gets worse.

from trying to distract himself with video games to literally distancing himself from hyunsuk. nothing works no matter how hard he tries to focus on something else.

it doesn't help that he also has a huge crush on the guy. but to be fair, who wouldn't? it wasn't just his good looks that made everyone (especially jihoon) swoon over him, it was also his lovely personality.

hyunsuk is kind, supportive, grateful, and just a genuinely good guy. jihoon's convinced himself that there really isn't anything bad about him.

especially his lips. there is nothing, and will never be anything, bad about his damn lips. jihoon refuses to take any criticism from anyone, including hyunsuk himself.

his lips are absolutely perfect. the shape, the fullness, the colour, everything. he wished he was able to taste and feel hyunsuk's lips.

he wants to know how smooth and tasty they are. he wants to know what they feel like between his teeth. he needs to know everything he can about them.

but he can't.


jihoon had one of his arms wrapped tightly around hyunsuk's waist while his hand played with the loose strings of his black ripped jeans.

from time to time, his fingertips would softly brush against hyunsuk's exposed skin which would send shudders down both the boys' spines.

he would also glance at his hyung's plump lips and subconsciously lick his own in advance.

it was quite hard sitting next to someone as gorgeous as hyunsuk, but he'd gotten used to it. plus, he couldn't really complain considering he pushed others out of the way so he could sit next to him (not that he was complaining anyway).

jihoon felt hot every time he slightly touched hyunsuk's smooth skin. he was entirely certain that his face looked like a fresh, ripe tomato from all the heat he could feel rush through his body.

but of course, that didn't stop his eager actions. it also didn't stop him from complimenting hyunsuk.

"hyung, you're so handsome," he whispered into hyunsuk's ear for what seemed like the thousandth time, yet it would still make the elder boy blush like crazy.

"thank you, ji," hyunsuk uttered the same reply yet again.

jihoon's lips grazed against the shell of his ear, and he frustratedly tightened his grasp around him.

i wanna kiss you so badly it hurts!

he couldn't concentrate on whatever his manager was blabbering about because of the extreme closeness and obvious tension between himself and hyunsuk.

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