Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV

For as long as I can remember, my life has always been completely normal. Parents that love me, friends that care about me, acne, and every other typical thing a teenager goes through in life. I didn't stand out at school but I wasn't a nobody either. I had a pretty girlfriend that I cared for deeply but wasn't in love with, no matter how many times she's tried to get me to say it.

It's not like Mystic Falls High gave me any ammunition anyway. Nothing ever goes on at this school so it was easy to go through life without having any problems. 

Some might call this life boring but it suits me just fine.  

"So what's going on today in that head of yours Y/n?" I met Lena when I was a kid. Conner had tripped her at the playground we always played at. She cut her knee and started bleeding and I helped her out when I ripped my favorite shirt to make a crappy bandaid until she got a real one.

"Just thinking I guess." I wrote a lot. Almost every thought I've ever had had gone in this little notebook I carry around. I tend to overthink so I write it all down to get it out of my head.

"Well put your game face on, we're almost there." Lena moved to the window on the bus looking out. It was that time of year again, the yearly football game the school has with the preppy Salvatore Boarding School. We win every year which kinda makes it pointless to play. Lena loves it so by default I'm supposed to love it too.

"You know I hate this kind of thing, we win every year. It's starting to get kinda sad don't you think?" I didn't like football in the first place so this was extra torture for me.

"No. I need the ego boost and nothing gets the adrenaline going like crushing your enemies!" She laughed.

"Why exactly are we enemies with this school? We don't even know any of them." I rolled my eyes.

"Uh, tradition? They think they're better than us because they go to some fancy school behind gates. We have to put them in their place." She looked pleased with her answer.

"Yeah right." I figured out it was pointless to argue with Lena a long time ago.

We pulled up in front of the familiar gates of the school. Kids from their school were pilling into the field wearing their school colors of blue and yellow. Our bus stopped and we started spilling out. The tension between the two schools was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"Maybe this isn't such a good idea for me y'know? I'm trying to watch my anger issues and a football game might not be the best solution." I looked up at Lena who was grabbing our bags from the seat behind us. 

"You're right, I forgot about that but it should be fine. Just don't get mad." She shrugged.

"I don't think it works that way." I mumbled.

Stepping off the bus I stared at the school. It was big but not intimidating. Almost welcoming but mysterious at the same time. I looked to my right and noticed their Headmaster getting into a car with two students. The girl and I locked eyes and I couldn't help but stare. She was mesmerizing in every way. It felt like her blue eyes were staring right into my soul. She finally looked away as she got into the car and drove off. I continued to stare until they left the gates and they closed behind the car.

"Hello? Earth to Y/n?" Lena waved her hand in my face and started walking to the field.

"Yeah sorry I was just...I don't know." I shook my head and started walking after Lena.

"So where's Olivia? I thought she was coming to the game." Lena sat our bags on the bench and began to stretch.

"She felt sick so she wanted to stay home today." I put my journal in my back pack before grabbing my water bottle. 

"She's been sick a lot lately hasn't she?" She gave me a look.

"What's that supposed to mean." 

"Nothing just, I don't know. You guys don't seem to be spending a lot of time together anymore. You used to be all over each other." She took my water bottle from my hands and poured some in her mouth. 

"As much as it disgusted me to watch you fall all over one another, It was nice to see you happy for a while." 

"I'm still happy Lena, we just have a lot going on right now so I'm trying to give her space." I shrugged.

"If you say so." She threw the water back at me. A whistle was blown signaling the game was about to start so we both walked over and got into our positions. 

The game ended like it always does, us winning by a lot and them losing horribly. I never saw that girl again but the Salvatore students almost never leave the school so it wasn't uncommon not to see them. 

Conner decided to throw a party in celebration of our victory. I had no interest but of course Lena wanted to go because she scored the winning touchdown at the game. So by association, I was going too. 

I had been texting Olivia since the game ended but she hasn't responded to any of them. I decided to go over other house to check on her because I was about to leave to pick Lena up and her house was on the way. Grabbing my phone and bag, I got into my car and started driving. 

The drive to Olivia's house was pretty quick, she only lived about five minutes from my house and Lena lived around seven or eight but the streets were dark. I looked down at my phone for a second and when I looked up a white wolf was in the road. I swerved around it just in time but something about it was so familiar. 

I pulled up in front of Olivia's house but there was a car I didn't recognize. Her parents go out ever Friday night so she should've been alone. 

I parked my car and started walking towards her door. The closer I got the more familiar the car was becoming. I walked right up to the car and it hit me. This was Aaron Blake's car. Olivia's douchebag ex. My anger started to flare at the thought of her cheating on me with him. 

I stormed up to her house and pounded on the door. It was silent inside and the lights were off downstairs but her bedroom light was still on. I beat on the door again until I finally hear footsteps coming down the stairs. 

The door opens to a shirtless Aaron and Olivia in a towel. The look on her face tells me everything I need to know. I scoff and start to walk back to my car. 

"Baby wait, it's not what it looks like." She ran after me.

"People always say that when they get caught cheating Olivia!" I yelled back. I was trying my best to stay calm but everything about this situation was making me unbelievably angry.

"I know but I'm serious." She was still chasing after me. 

"Go to hell." I said.

"Better watch how you talk to my girl." Aaron called out. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around so fast I think I cracked my neck. 

"You shut the hell up asshole." I rolled my eyes at him. This seemed to piss him off as he stomped over to me. 

"Say that to my face." He got real close.

"Back the hell up before I do something you'll regret." I said. My voice low.

"Yeah, do it then." He shoved me hard and I stumbled back. I shoved him as hard as I could and he fell back. I heard a loud crunching sound and saw a lot of blood before I realized he hit his head on a rock. Olivia screamed and ran inside. I watched as the blood kept pooling around him before and intense pain started in my body. 

I fell to the ground and screamed in agony.  I looked towards the trees and saw the same white wolf as before. We locked eyes before everything went dark.

If the writers can't make a good story for Hope then I will. Also I promise she'll be in the next chapter but like backstory y'know? 

P.S. I didn't forget about Closer


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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