Chapter 1- A Regular Day

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Ok so this is my first story so it will be pretty shitty but yeah whatever.

Will stormed into the Apollo cabin.

"Everyone in bed! Now!"

His sister, Mackenzie better known as Mack said, "But it's only," she looked at her clock, "8 o'clock! We have to go to the campfire!"

Will glared at her with such an intense gaze that she shrank back into the wall. "No campire tonight. Go to sleep. The camp can suvive a night without us."

Will sat on his bunk. Mack slowly approached Will. Mack and Will came about the same time which means that they were pretty close.

"Will," She put her hand on his shoulder, when he didn't push it way, she took it as a sign to keep talking, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he said, angrily looking at the wall.

Mack bit her lip and then shouted, "Alright, Cabin Seven! I want each and every one of you to go outside to that campfire and sing your hearts out! GO!"

Will turned around and glared at her as the campers hurried outside.

"You're lucky the Apollo Cabin can be good athletes or all of you would have been dead."

Mack shrugged, "I'm suprised that you didn't stop me or them."

Will sighed, "What's the point? You are second in charge. Why don't you go too."

"Will...what's wrong? I sent them away so I could talk to you."

"Nothing...go Mack."

"Will, look at me."

When Will didn't reply, Mack turned him around and gasped at she saw,

Will was a mess. His eyes were full of sadness and something else.


"Chase called," Will said. Mack gasped. Chase was Will's step brother on his mom's side.

"What did he say?" Mack asked, afraid of the answer.

"My mom's condition is getting worse. They say she has only 3 months left."

Will suddenly burst into tears. Mack hugged him and let him cry into her shirt.

She soothed him my murming things such as, "It's okay," and "Don't worry."

Will's mom had Ischemic heart disease. She had been battling it for 14 years, just a year shorter than Will.

3 years ago, it go worse and ever since she's lived at the hositpal.

Will's step-father, Mark had the house to himself and whenever Will came over, he would do whatever he pleased since Will's mom wasn't there to stop it.

Eventually, Will just silently sniffled.

"Feeling better?" Mack asked, once Will drew away from her hug.

Will nodded, not trusting himself to speak. Will's hair was all messed up, his eyes were red from crying and he had tear stains on his face. He looked awful. Mack wished there was some way to fix it.

Suddenly, someone opened the door to the cabin.

"Will? You in here, bro? I need to-" The guy at the doorway stopped as he saw Will's face. He rushed to sit next to Will on his bed.

"What happened?"

"His mom's condition is getting worse, Alec," Mack explained.

Alec was a son of Ares. He was pretty violent and craved death, but him and Will were friends before a satyr brought both of them to camp. Turns out Will and Alec were best friends since Kindergarten. Everytime one got kicked out of a school, the other would do something stupid to get kicked out too. Their mom's were best friends too. When they found out they were both demigods, well that brought them closer together.

Alec hugged Will.

When they let go, Alec told Mack to go get Demetria or Demi. Demi is was a daughter of Athena. She met both the guys when they first came and they were all good friends.

Mack noded and went to go get her.

When Demi came, she also asked what happened.

Afterwards, Demi and Alec comforted Will in the best way they knew how to.

I know, its bad but just you wait, it'll get better I promise. Tell me what you guys think? Make sure to leave suggestions in the comments or message me.

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