He was curently running arround. Making his brothers run after him as he was laughing supper hard, he tripped a few times but he got up and ran again. After a bit gempa had to step in after blaze had tripped again but he looked to be in pain when he began to run again. This time blaze had a few tears getting visible in his eyes as he felt the pain in his legg. A bit later he had desided to stop running and sat down with his back to his brothers as he clinged onto his legg.
His brothers already noticed he had sat down. They looked at him while blaze tried standing up again but somthing looked wrong to them. "he has a cut on his knee" a lazy voice said bihind them. Gempa walked over to blaze and....
End of dream
Blaze woke up in the orange bed. Confused at the dream he looked arround a bit. He got up from his sleeping position and walked to the stairs. He walked to the living next, he saw 5 people sitting there. "Hmm just like in the dream" some of them turned arround wen they heard that.
"Oh, hello blaze!" One said cheerfully while the others stared at the tv again not trying to give blaze stress. They dit a good job yesterday when blaze returned. "You dark red collor" blaze poinet at him as he looked at blaze new. "Do you get easely annoyed?" Hali was shocked but nodded courieus as to how blaze remmemberd that.
"I had a dream about having 6 brothers, and im guessing they are you guys" blaze said acually making sense. "Jupe thats us" solar said. "I still know all ur names but not who has who's name" blaze explained.
Thorn: im thorn >♡<
Taufan: taufan! :)
Hali: hali.
Ice: zzzzzzz
Solar: sleeping boy is ice, and im solar
Gempa also introduced himself as he had also lissend to the conversation. "Ooh thank you! But does anibody know why in my dream evthime i fell even if it hurted i still stood up and ran until i eventually coulnd't bicus of the ammount of pain?" The others knew one thing it could be liked to. "Bicus when you fail at solthing or somthing not good happends you alweys get back up and enjoy life" ice said while he slowly opend his eyes.
* hello readers! This page is short jes indeed. Hope you still like it! Aniways bye and till the next page!*
lost my memory
Fantasywat if an accident happend and blaze was unable to remmember his brothers, he only remmembers himself. but he sees blurry people, maybe he will find out there's somthing important or just a waste of time! !¡slow updates¡!