Y/n cries dark roast coffee btw

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Y/n sat at the kitchen table, sipping on a cup of cocoa and staring off into the distance. It was dark outside now and Y/n could hear the gentle patter of rain against the window. They glanced up to look at it and for a moment they sat motionless, observing the speckled raindrops on its surface and watching as they cascaded down. They smiled and lifted the mug to their lips, however, to their surprise, it was empty.
"I should probably head to bed," Y/n whispered to themself, "and check in on Almond Cookie." Almond had locked himself into his office that morning and, as far as Y/n was aware, hadn't emerged since. Y/n was worried he was going to overwork himself untill his dough melted. They placed their mug in the empty sink and walked down the hallway to Almond Cookie's office. Once they reached his door they paused. Their nervous thoughts began to get the better of them until Y/n took a deep breath. They held it for a moment as they quickly gathered their thoughts. Then, as Y/n exhaled, they gently knocked on the dark wooden door. Almost immediately, a reply was heard from within.
"Come in, Y/n. How may I help you?" He sounded so tired. Y/n couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the old cookie. They took a few steps inside before closing the door behind them.
"Almond Cookie," they gently called. "Why don't you get some sleep? It's getting really late."
"I'm sorry, Y/n, but I have to finish these documents."
"Can't you finish them tomorrow? Please, Almond, cut yourself some slack."
Almond glanced at Y/n with a look of near sadness on his face and muttered,
"Well, I'm already going pretty steady. W- Why stop now?" Y/n couldn't respond as they felt a lump forming in their throat. They raced towards Almond Cookie and wrapped their arms tightly around him. Tears poured out of Y/n's eyes as they pleaded, their voice hushed and shaky.
"Please. Please please please please. I can't lose you too," they begged profusely. Almond Cookie's body tensed up, almost on instinct. He knew exactly what Y/n was talking about. He always tried to not make Y/n remember any of that and he feels guilty for scaring them like this. It was then that Almond embraced the sobbing Y/n, softly stroking their back and whispering in their ear.
"I'm not going anywhere, Y/n. I promise. I'm so sorry for scaring you," he said before standing up and putting Y/n back on their feet.
"These documents can wait. Allow me to walk you to your room."
"O- Okay," they stammered. "Thank you." Almond Cookie then lead Y/n to the office door, an arm still firmly wrapped around their waist. They exited the office and made haste to a pair of doors at the end of the long hallway. Then suddenly, Almond turned to face Y/n and held their hands tightly in his.
"Please know," he softly said, "that both Walnut Cookie and I cherish you very dearly. We think of you as one of our own and we would do anything to protect you." Almond raised Y/n's hands to his lips and planted a soft kiss on the back of their hand before stepping away and silently entering his pitch black bedroom. Y/n stood for a moment, frozen in place. They've never seen Almond Cookie behave  with such fragility before. A feeling of warmth swelled in their chest as they turned on their heels and entered their own inviolable bedroom.

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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