One Shot

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Paige woke up in a field, face to the sky with clouds and birds in the distance, the feeling of dirt beneath her.

"Did...did it work?" She asked no one, she sat up almost too quickly, making her head spin.

"Well, at least it's not the library anymore." She finally decided to look at her hands, and her eyes widened.

"Mouse hands...!" She realized, heart starting to pump faster with anticipation. "So it did work? I'm in the book?" She looked around once more, the grass towered over her, a ladybug passing by was bigger than if she were human.

It was true, she was in Moss. She began to rapidly wiggle her hands and arms with glee, then it hit her.

"I need to find Quill." She started to look around frantically, no sign of mouse sized houses, did anything look familiar? She looked in the distance.

"That tree....could it be?!" It was one heck of a tree! Possibly the one where she had met Quill, it's a better lead than none.

Before she started on her way though, she had to know what she was working with. She looked around, and found a puddle, she peered into the puddle.

Staring back at her was a black and white mouse, little pink nose, rather long whiskers, at least longer than Quill's. Her tail was more on the shorter side, but as long as she could wag it with glee, which she quickly tested, yep, wagging is super fun, not a mouse thing sure but, she wasn't normally a mouse. Her ears were big and round, her head was half the size of them, and she seemed rather tall, but she'd have to reunite with Quill for a comparison. She even 'spawned' in with a cute blue bandanna with white polka dots.

"Alright, shoot, I like it!" She stated to no one. "Pretty snazzy job for a short notice creation!" Then she headed to where she saw the tree.

Yes, it was rather in short notice, Quill and her Reader finally got all five Glass, Her Reader looked at Quill, and saw in her eyes what she was about to do, Her Reader had to think lightning fast, so before they were sent to the Blackhole or sorts, she used the power to make herself a body, so she could stay with Quill forever, she thought super quick about it, didn't have time to fully develop a character, but made sure to keep all her memories. When Quill disappeared from the book for one final time, she was afraid it didn't work, she even saw Aderyn fly into her face with the five glass, then fly away with them, she yelled after him in tears, what a jerk! The other reader slammed their book shut and stood up from their table, she was ready for a Bookworm Brawl, but that's when she was transported into her new form.

Day One of her journey was complete, it felt like it was still a ways away, but she needed to stop and hide for the night. She remembered Quill's Uncle stating it was dangerous at night, and Paige planned on continuing with that advice, especially since her creation did not 'spawn' with a weapon, she was unarmed. Remembering Quill's Uncle gave her a wave of grief over her features. It was impossible for Paige to let Uncle Argus know the Reader personally, as he couldn't have seen her, and she couldn't speak to him even if he could. But his sacrifice hit her like a brick, she always hated major character death in stories, Argus' death was no different.

Paige hid in a giant log, having found tiny twigs, and was working on starting a fire. She had zero idea what she was doing, but she kept trying, Quill would have. After trying to start it for about an hour, it finally began to blaze, Paige was sweating from the worry she'd fail, but has started to calm down. She took off her bandanna and wrapped it around herself the best she could, then she went to sleep, hopeful to find her best friend tomorrow.

She woke up with anticipation coursing through her, it was raining a bit, but she wasn't going to let it stop her journey, she put her bandanna over her ears to protect them from the water, and continued on. There were loads of deactivated robot bugs around the areas she has travelled. "They must have deactivated when the other Reader vanished." She realized. But none of that mattered, not anymore, what did matter was getting to Quill, so she quickened her pace. Getting hit by rain was a lot tougher when you're tiny, it's like an entire shower multiple times, her bandanna was soaked from the first drop that hit her, but she didn't care, she'll probably catch a cold for pushing on like that, but if it meant getting to Quill faster, that's all she cared about.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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