She put on rose sunglasses and a pink robe.
"This is the perfect day to be a villain" Marisa thought as she walked through the lush gardens of her beautiful old woods mansion.
Marisa lived alone except from the cleaners, gardeners and cooks who would take a three hour drive from civilization into the middle of an uphill forest with valleys and creeks and snowy hilltop mountains to assist the old lad.
For a reason, Marisa lived far from town people. The only time she would see humans in large numbers, was when she went to music expeditions to perform. People barely attended.
No one knew much about her because she rarely left her house. No one really knows why shes rich because not much people fancy her music. In an interview years ago, she was asked why and she claimed it was a huge family inheritance.
Some people would say Marisa was a strange woman with witch like powers. Most of the maids that cleaned her house could also testify that she was strange but none had really attested to her having powers except from a gardener. Mr. Dave swore he saw her turn a cat to a flower.
The news a week later read. LOCAL GARDENER AT OLD WOODS WITHNESSED SORCERY-allegedly
Mr. Dave was missing for a while after, and even people started to speculate that maybe the wealthy failed artist living up in the woods was a witch but he soon returned after some months.
The news paper editor can be very flimsy with his headings but the articles were always interesting and authentic, that was why the people strongly believed that Mr. Dave was never kidnapped but the truth is that his son isnt stupid.
Not it the slightest way. His father was definitely abducted.

Mystery / ThrillerAlbacath and Sharon murdered the man sent to kill them. They must deal with the consequences. Marisa owns the old woods mansion but there are some dirty secrets as to how she gets her wealth. Jacob has been working there for months now but even we...