The One That Got Away (~A Niall Horan Love Story~)

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                                                              Jess Marie Valentine ;)

Hey guys!

My name's Jess, I'am 17 years old and was born in a small Manchester hospital on July 11th.

A week after I was born in Europle, my family moved back to the United States. I live in Honolulu, Hawaii. Right iin the middle of it is a high school named Mckinley High School in which I attend and will be graduating out of tomorrow! F r e e d o m has never felt so good

My best friend is a gorgeous girl named Eleanor Jane Calder, who I met when she transferred as a foreign exchange student in 3rd grade!

We've been stuck like glue since that fall day on 2005.

There's no Eleanor without Jess and there's no Jess without Eleanor. I love that girl with all my heart and I seriously do not know what I'd do without her!

Eleanor has recently been dating this guy, who I have yet to meet. She met him a little over 3 month's ago when she went back to London to visit some relatives, and will not shut up about him since! She say's he's always traveling with his 'bandmates' [I guess he's in some band or whatever] and I'll be meeting them tomorrow after graduation. I can't wait to, he makes her so happy yet she won't even tell me his name!

She always on the phone with him and stuff, and it's so sad because I'm single so I'm sitting there in my room watching True Life being forever alone while she's in the corner of my room giggling with him and she loves him and I'm like... well I love food.

I'm trailing off again, damn.

But back to me- wow, aren't you conceited Jess? I swear I'm not... I'm just not that good at wording things.

And now I'm talking to myself...


ANYWAYS, my favorite color is purple & black, my favorite move is Oh, You again, favorite drink is root beer float & favorite food is my mother's homemade cinnamon buns! They are DELICIOUS, ugh I'm hungry even just thinking about them! I'm 5'4, & mixed. Caucasian, Hawaiian, irish, British, & Mexican But, I just say I'm mixed.

it's like a super weird combination because my father's side is Hawaiian, Caucasian, Irish, and British, so they're all mixed, but since they were born in Hawaii and live here, They're American.

But my mother's side are all mostly live back in California throughout the city of Los Angeles, so they're all scattered pretty much. We really only live in Hawaii because when my parents were together they wanted us (being my older sister Lisa and me) closer to my father's side and because they both met here but I guess it doesn't really matter now since my parents divorced and my father moved to Kaua'i and my older sister Lisa moved out at 17 back to London and oh my god I'm rambling again.

So anyways, I have long dark brown wavy hair, brownish hazel eyes, tan, and I have a bubbly personility I LOVE to make people laugh! I also dance and lowkey sing, but only Eleanor has heard me sing...if you hear me sing, I have to feel like I can trust you & I'm close to you.


Alright, I'm blabbering on again so I'm just going to finish this with a goodbye. Later, babes! ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2013 ⏰

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