In Which Ben Sage Gets Sacrificed to the Goddess of Death

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Benjamin Wallace Sage has been many things in his admittedly short 30 years on this planet.

A victim, a politician, a humanitarian, a thief, and not exactly in that particular order. He had done his best, despite a particularly rocky upbringing, to do good by others, even if he was not a perfect person. He'd opened shelters, fed orphanages anonymously with his salary, and given back to the poor by stealing from the rich who so often ground them underfoot.

And yet, here he stood, staring at the city's officials with a slack jaw, as behind him Sol spluttered in disbelief. "You can't be serious," his friend is grasping his arm, as if to physically stop the Priests of the Grave from spiriting his friend away in that instant. "Ben isn't even religious! He certainly doesn't frequent the Temples of the Goddess of Death, he's more like a God of the Sun type, and even if he did, sacrificing him for the war effort is ridiculous! He's one of our best chances to broker peace!" He appreciates Sol's sturdy warmth at his back as the officials give him varying looks of pity, the priest and priestess behind them staring at him with cool appraisal.

"None of the other Gods and Goddesses have been willing to step in," the official, a man by the name of Peabody snaps, "And Lord Quicksilver has requested you specifically. He believes you may be able to convince her. No one of your rank has been sacrificed to her in a long time. In fact, looking at the government records, no one has been taken to Her shrine in the last 15 years. Maybe if we show some consideration, She'll aid our forces. It was once said that She could raise armies of the undead to march in the living's stead. You could end this war, Mr. Sage! Have you no pity for your fellows?"

Ben could feel the pressure building right behind his eyes, as Sol's grip tightened on him. He knew that the war had killed many, made orphans of more, he knew that if the country had come to this, they were desperate, and yet... was it so bad to want to choose life over this? Being sacrificed on the altar of a long forgotten deity, in the hope that She might, just might, take pity on them from the Beyond?

Could he really say no?

"Solomon," Ben's voice is firm, "Let go of my arm. I have a duty to fulfill." Sol spun him around, crushing him in his arms. His senses were invaded by the smell of lavender starch and pine cologne as he was held close.

"Why?" His friend lamented, "Why did I know that was going to be your answer, you insane idiot?! Fine," He pitched his voice over Ben's shoulder, "You can take my friend from me for this insane scheme of yours, but first, I want to educate him on the Goddess of Death." Ben could hear the rustle of the priest's ceremonial garb behind him, could feel Sol's heart hammering through his chest, "No, you can tell him your lies later." His friend's vehemence was rare. "Give us an hour you vultures!"

Peabody coughed roughly. "As you wish. We'll be back then. Thank you, Mr. Sage."

Sol only released him once the door was closed. Ben had a million questions, but the first thing out of his mouth was, "Don't cry Sol, what was I supposed to do?"

Sol had settled down on the surface of his desk, head in his hands. He looked at Ben with wet eyes, and Ben couldn't shake the feeling that Sol was more upset about this than even he was.

He was the one supposed to die though. Shouldn't he be the freaked out one? What did Sol know that he snapped at officials of the Goddess he was about to be offered up to?

"Pardon me if I have a freak out about you getting literally spirited away!" Ben couldn't help the snort that left his mouth. Sol raised an eyebrow at him, shaking his head slowly. "You really know nothing about Her do you?"

Ben shrugged. "The Goddess of Death is probably owed my soul a few times over Sol. We both know that I'm lucky to not have died as a child. Maybe this is exactly how I was meant to go, helping others." Sol frowned but let Ben finish. "Now, what was so important that you scared off Peabody and his goons?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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