Hottie Penis Boy Putoytoy BSAA Queef 123 Roblox Online Dater Twitter

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y/n = your name
f/n = full name
l/n = last name
g/hc = genitalia hair color

It's my first day on the job at BSAA. I can't wait to finally get a job! I've been unemployed since forever, and I've hated it. I miss hairy pussies and stuff.

Anyway, I took a bus to our first meet-up location, and there I saw a boy. He looked like pussy, it made my asshole clench and my face get red and hot--just like my vagina/putoytoy.

"Hey," Chris said, walking up to me.

"Omg," I said. "You're the Chris Redfield!"

"Yeah bitch," he said, taking out a pistol and aiming it at me. "I can shoot your head right now, so shut up and get the fuck to work ugly hoe."

"Ok lol," I said, laughing. Anyway, I walked up to the cute boy. "Hi..."

"Wait," he said, "I'm playing cooking mama." My butthole literally queefed, I was so happy. He played something that I knew about! Maybe we were soulmates after all--I hope he queefed too...

"Do you have hairy pussy."

"Um no," he said. "What is your name..."

"My name is y/n BITCH"

"My name is Piers," he said. "Here, I will show you where we get our weaponry."

"Okay," I said. He took me to a large building filled with guns and knives and chainsaws and grenades. "There is so much weapons here!"

"I know right," Piers said, smiling. "This is like a mall--we can take everything that we want!" Just hearing him talk made my g/hc turn into the color of his eyes. My pussy/toytoy expanded and a queef slid out of my belly button. So cute. "What's that smell?"

"I think a bomb went off," I said. Well, I mean, was I lying?

"Where?" Piers asked.

"I don't know..." I whispered.

"Did you fart?" Piers asked, taking a huge whiff in the air before laughing and teasing me. I queefed again. "It's okay, it's something humans do everyday. I like the smell anyway..."

* * *

Later that day, me and Piers were practicing. We were assigned to be training partners by Chris--I was so happy! We were training for days, and I'm happy because my vagina pussy/dick toy toy hole got bigger everyday.

"Okay," Chris said, lining everyone up outside in front of our base. "We are going to be fighting a hell lot of ugly monsters today, so get your guns and grenades ready."

"What if we don't know how to fight..." I whispered.

"Use what you can," Chris said.

"Okay..." I whispered to myself.

"Now, let's get going!" Chris said. "We're skipping breakfast today! I hope your stomachs can hold enough space for a bunch of food after battle! If you make it out alive..."

I looked at Piers, my hands twisting around as well as my fingers in fear. "I'm scared..." I said, putting my head on his shoulder. "My pubes are...itchy."

"I can itch them for you..." Piers said, kissing me on my forehead. I was so shocked! He just confessed his love to me right before battle!

"Okay," I whispered. "I hope I don't queef...but not now, later."

"Kay😍" Piers replied.

Anyways, during battle, we fought the ugliest monster ever--it was huge, gross, bubbly, and slimy. I wanted to fart on it so bad. Suddenly, it slammed me against a building with its tail. I was the first one to go...

"y/n!" Piers shouted. "I need backup and first aid kits for f/n, they're against the bank right now--hurry! Are you okay?"

"That monster looked like my tower of pubes..."

"It's okay," Piers said. "It looks like mine too, not going to lie..."

"Wait, I have one last...resort..." I whispered. I grabbed my Hannah Montana microphone from my back pocket of my jeans. "I can sing..."

"Oh my gosh," Piers screamed.

I stood up, and stared the monster in its eyes. Music started playing from the microphone, and I screamed the lyrics to my favorite song ever--Fearless by Olivia Holt! I hit all the right notes, and the monster flew away, shrinking in the process. When we all ran to was just a fish-smelling pube that was brought to life by the D-virus--they called it the dick virus...

"That was so crazy," Piers said "okay, come with me... Let's go in the shed."

"Okay," I whispered. "Why?"

"I still need to...itch your pubes, you know."

I sat down, and Piers ripped off my pants like it was a bag of flaming hot doritos on a freezing cold day. He pulled my underwear down, and the beast of pussy/toytoy hair emerged. "Let me itch it..." he said. I felt him itch my pubes, it was a sensation that I never felt before.

"I want to have sex with you..." I whispered. Suddenly, his suit exploded, and I tore his underwear open like it was a candy bar--revealing his squidward nose replica. I thought I came but I peed on his dick...

"It's okay," he said... I said okay but I did not know if he liked the pee or not. He drank it, and the light glistened on my hair.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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