The sunny day

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The wind was blowing. Barely any clouds. Near a little stream, you would find someone. That someone is Kion. He was sitting near the river enjoying his day. Waiting for Rani to meet him like she promised. He was just looking at the river. As if he was staring at himself. His scar. Kion heard rustling in the grass. He turned around to see Rani behind him. "What are you up to, Kion?" She asked. "I was waiting for you! So glad you came!" He said. Quickly getting up, Kion rubbed against Rani and purred a bit. The day couldn't have gotten ruined, until it did. Fuli came running to them. "The cubs! Hurry! Their in danger!" She said in a panic. "On it!" Kion said quickly rushing after Fuli. He finally got there and was very shocked. He saw the cubs, HIS cubs, hanging off of a tree. Nobody doing anything. And the cubs were so tiny. He stood there, in shock. Did not know what to do. Suddenly, the weather changed. It started to rain. He forgot he was close to a mountain. And a mudslide happened. He jumped onto the tree and picked up two of his cubs. "Hurry! On my back!" He said to the third cub. But he wasn't moving. The cub was scared. "I'm scared, dad..!" Was the last thing the cub said, before the branch broke off and the cub was brought with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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