a moonlit passion

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As you lay there, barely covered by a soft deep blue blanket. The silver moonlight drapes over your uncovered skin, accenting your beautiful curves. I slowly move closer and kneel down next to the bed. I slowly and gently caress your beautiful skin, tracing lines over your curves, along the edge of the blanket over your back towards your shoulder, you stretch and yawn as you turn over. As you turn the shadows on your body shift accenting the curves even more. "Hello there beautiful." I whisper as I move in to kiss you. My hand again caresses your body, slightly less gentle this time. Upwards across your stomach. As my hand reaches your breast I kiss you more firmly and slightly squeeze. I lean even closer and slowly get on top of you. You just now realize that I'm not wearing any clothes at all. Slowly my kisses move over your cheek towards your neck, lower and lower reaching your breast where I tease your nipple with my tongue and gentle nibbles. I inch lower and lower with my kisses untill I've reached low enough that the warmth of my breath on your skin makes you shiver. As I slowly part your legs I move myself to kiss your inner thigh. Kisses millimeters higher every time. As soon as my arms wrap around your legs you know I mean business, you know I intend to have your soul leave your body. But before I do anything at all, all I do is breathe. The moment my lips touch you, you moan in relief. Slowly and gently I roll my tongue out and give a lick. Your fingertips dig into the mattress and your back starts to slightly arch. The more I use my tongue, the louder the moans. You grab a pillow to cover your face but I pull away. "No no no no, no covering your moans my love." You grumble a bit but reluctantly pit away the pillow. As soon as you put it away I dig my face between your legs fully. The surprise gets you started. A loud moan springs from your mouth. You move your hands towards it trying to take it back but it's already too late... You grab the mattress and arch your back as I pleasure you untill you can't keep yourself up anymore. I move myself up your body, licking my lips. I plant them on yours and kiss you passionately. I position myself to spoon you, position the tip of my penis and slowly slide it in, making you moan loudly. I grab you tighter and just sit there. You catch your breath, smirk and whisper: "that's it?" I look at you and say: "what?" "Oh you didn't hear me? Is that it?" You respond. I pull out and lean over you grabbing your cheeks in one hand. "Getting bratty now are we?" "No I'm just asking" you say with a smirk. "You've done better." "Well if you want more, you could always beg me for it." I say with a slight shrug and smirk. "Never in a million years" you say quickly. I flip you on your stomach and slide inside you in one go. You moan loudly and hope I continue. But I just stay inside. I pull your head back by your hair and whisper in your ear "I still hear no begging." Softly you say "please." I pretend not to hear. "Well?" I take it out and slide it in once again. "You still going to beg?" "P-please just use me." The second you finish that sentence I pull your hair harder and place my other hand on your throat as I start to screw you like you've never had before. Your moans are rough as my hand on your throat makes it hard for you to get any sound out. But as soon as I release, you moan louder than you expected to. Your arms won't respond anymore so you can't cover it up. I pull your hips up and start rubbing your clitoris, stimulating you even more. Orgasm after orgasm, and still going, sending you deeper and deeper into subspace. I pull out and flip you over, lift your legs and continue screwing you senseless. Your eyes are Rollin deeper and deeper into the back of your head. I continue stimulating you, making you squirt everywhere, several times. Harder and faster. Untill im on the verge of cumming. I stick every last millimeter inside and fill you up. I instantly grab the towel and flop down next to your twitching body and try to catch my breath. I gently caress your body as you still twitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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