✩ 1. Sweet Beginnings ꘩

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It was all smooth sailing. The AC was on full blast, my favorite song was on, and I had a full tank of gas. I think. I looked down to check, annnd of course. I'm cruising on empty. Great, I'm in the middle of nowhere and my car is on the verge of stalling out. There's no sort of gas stations or buildings around and- oh shit a gas station. sick.
I pulled in and popped the gas in, heading inside to pay. Just as I had figured, nobody was around. It's smaller than a small town out here, and I doubted there would even be a cashier in the damn store. Nevertheless, I opened the door and checked the counter. There sat a semi-tidy man, whose age I couldn't quite tell. I smiled at him and looked around the store for some snacks and a drink, maybe some candy too. As I mulled over what to pick up, he started some standard small talk with me. Nothing too unbearable, at least he was friendly.
"Ya got any family 'round these parts, hunny?" He asked, leaning into the counter to be better heard, and to see me a bit better as I gave my response.
"Oh no sir, I was just driving up to the panhandle here by myself, I just decided to take the scenic route rather than all that traffic and big city business. I'm somewhat of a country girl myself and big cities aren't really my forte, ya see." I put on my best country girl dialect and walked up to the counter, sustenance in hand.
"Well isn't that interestin'! Me an my family have been here for as long as I've been alive, as a matter a fact I got three brothers an my mama at home. I'm somewhat of the ringleader, I suppose you would say. How much gas you got hunny?" He chuckled, ringing up my total.
"Just 15 gallons, sir." I returned, digging in my wallet and fishing out a crisp 20 and two tens. man I should really cut down the snacks every time i go to a gas station..
As I handed him the cash and gathered up my purchases, he subtly stopped me on my way out the door.
"Say, you got a place to stay the night? It's awful close to dark an there ain't no other town for miles, I just don't want anythin happenin ta ya, is all" He inquired.
"Oh gosh, yes, I guess that completely slipped my mind! I really don't like driving at night, and I try to avoid it as best I can. I suppose you'd know of a place nearby where I could stay the night..? If it's not too much trouble, of course. I'll even pay them, if they so requested." I walked back to the counter, admittingly sounding more and more pitiful as I spoke, like that of a stray puppy.
"Well I'm sorry hun, but the only place left round here is my family's house. I hope ya don't mind that none," He explained, walking around the counter, taking his hat and coat from a nearby rack. "I can take ya there myself, if you'd like."
"Oh that would be wonderful, I'm so sorry for the trouble," I gratefully replied, getting my things and following him out the door to his truck. It sure beat sleeping in my car, that's for sure.
"Oh nonsense, we'd be grateful to have a guest, 'specially a perty one like you. We haven't had company over in so long, ya see." He helped me into the truck and got in himself, pulling out of the gas station.
"Ah I see..oh goodness! I completely forgot about my car, do you think you can give me a ride back to your gas station in the morning so I can get going then? If you don't mind, I'm awfully sorry I didn't suggest following you with my car" I said, gently smacking myself on the forehead with the bottom of my palm.
"Oh of course, hunny. I don't mind one bit!"
"Great, thank you so much!" I relaxed my shoulders and sank down into the seat a bit further, grateful that I had it so good and this guy wasn't totally an ass.
We drove for a little, talking a bit about each of his family members and me silently losing all warnings of stranger danger from my parents, and just being grateful of this offer that I'd gladly taken up.

word count: roughly 760

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