Prologue - The Catalyst

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Hi everyone and welcome to the first peak inside my wild imagination! I started writing this story (then called The Mafia Bad Boy) on Wattpad in 2015 before taking a break. Now I'm back to finish what I started. I'd like to thank you for clicking on this story and giving it a chance. Writing has always been a massive passion of mine. I hope you enjoy the story, and every vote, comment, and follow are greatly appreciated. Don't forget to add this to your library to ensure you get the updates.

P.S. This is a completed story.

*Trigger Warning*
This book is rated mature for a reason. If a ton of violence, lots of swearing, and explicit sexual scenes between two consenting adults bother you, then this is not the story for you. There is some non-consensual touching, but no rape, and not from the main love interest.

Disclaimer: All of the ideas and characters are my own, so please respect my work; no copyrighting is allowed.
Copyright © 2015 @creativemindxo All Rights Reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or any other methods, without the prior written permission of the author/publisher/copyright holder.


    "This is the story of how I went from broken to fixable while learning the true meaning of living. Beware, it is not always a pretty one." - Callie (Reviving The Broken)


I breathed in the late summer air as I stepped onto the busy New York sidewalk. My feet ached from standing for 12 hours straight working at the busy diner close by my apartment. Today, I needed to hurry in order to make it to Matt's apartment before he got home from work. Since it's our first anniversary, I wanted to set up a special surprise dinner. I just stepped into his apartment building when my phone started ringing.

    I quickly pressed my phone to my ear and muttered a soft, "Hello?"

    "Hey love!" My best friend, Tamara. 

    "Hey T, what's up?" I asked while waving hi to the security guard. 

    "Hey, Cal, are you at the apartment yet?" I rolled my eyes at Tamaras' obsession with my love life. 

    "I'm walking upstairs now." Matt lived in one of those fancier New York apartments which he could afford because, apparently, his dad was the boss of some company. Which means he didn't have to worry about money. Why is he dating some small-town waitress? I ask myself the same thing all the time.

    "What are you going to make? Actually, more important...what are you going to wear?" 

    "Tamara Jones, boundaries! We talked about this."

    "What? It's been a year! Don't act the shy virgin." I bit my lip from saying anything. "Fine! Deprive me of your sexual escapades, Callie. I'm a lonely single woman living vicariously through my best friend." Cue the heavy sigh.

    "Laying it on a little thick, don't you think?" She can be more dramatic than a soap opera star.

    "Touché." I'm not sure that's how you use that word. "Anyhoo, what are you going to make?"

    "Gnocchi with tomato sauce. It's his favorite. I even got the delicious ones from the little Italy."

    "Just don't start a fire." 

    "It was one freaking time! Who knew that they started wrapping butter in foil?"

    "Why were you heating up butter?"

    "To soften it?" 

    "Whatever. Are you in the apartment yet?" 

    "Almost as soon as I can find my keys." I dug through my purse while talking to her on my shoulder. "Ah-ha, found them! Okay, I have to go. I'll call you tomorrow." 

    "Tonight with details." She never quits. 

    "No. Goodbye, you dork." I giggled while shaking my head. 

    "I hate you right now."

    "Love you too."

    "Yeah, yeah, I love you. Goodbye." The dial tone signaled she had hung up. 

I let myself into his luxurious apartment and unloaded the food items I had brought. I faintly heard a sound coming from the back of the apartment, and my stomach dropped. Please don't be someone breaking in. Grabbing a wooden spoon, I tiptoed to the bedroom, hoping it was a left-open window or something else. I opened the door and wished it was someone coming to rob me because what I saw changed everything.

Hi Wattpad friends!

Don't forget to add this book to your library to stay up to date, vote on each chapter, and comment any predictions but also what you are enjoying or not!

Much love,
Emily Rose (@creativemindxo)

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