Part 1 "am i alone..?"

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POV : Travis (partially also 3rd person)

(p.s im rlly lazy so they're are likely to be alot of grammar mistakes mostly just forgetting captials)

I suddenly awoke confused and dizzy the colours of my surroundings seemed to blend as my eyes watered slightly due to the harsh daylight. my eyes quickly adjusted and sharpened my sight , god how long was i asleep for i mean i surely feel well rested but where is everyone? all i could hear was the owls familiar hoots and birds chirping in the distance.

"Helloooooo??? Aphmau?? Katelyn??Garroth? Anyone?!"

well great no response. well maybe ill send them a text -"hey Katelyn where did everybody go? i just woke up"- one tick great..

i then heard a thud from the kitchen and a familiar scratchy voice which yelped in a sort of cute cry. i wandered cautiously my way over to the kitchen. thats when i found a shaggy black haired boy kneeling covered in herbs and spices from jars which fell ontop of him. shards of sharp translusant glass scattered along the floor. the boy was on the floor in a striped cotton hoodie. the boy indeed was quite short and seemed to be wincing in pain.

"Zane? are you okay?!"
i rushed over to help him and spotted a shard of glass in the sole of his foot. it seemed the shelf had fallen and crushed on top of him as he walked past spilling all of its contents.

i quickly rushed for the med kit in one of the cabinets i carefully pulled the shard out of his foot and cleaned the wound and then made sure to bandage it carefully and tight.

"is that better zane? hey don't worry its okay it probably will hurt to walk on for s while but for now lets go get you cleaned up yea?"

i put my arm around zanes shoulder to support him as i lifted him
up and escorted him to the bathroom. zane had yet to say anything this whole time i figured he was just embarrassed to say anything but ill try talk with him after he's done washing up

i popped downstairs and noticed the bag which zane previously had with him i decided to peek inside it had an assertion of black clothing. typical. however strangely it also had alot of medical drugs inside, paracetamol, neurophen also cough medcine. strange.. maybe zane isn't feeling well . maybe i could help him!

i heard the bathroom door creak open so i gave a shout "hey zane i left ur clothes on the bed on the room on the left! if u need my help just give a call!" as i said that i realised how weird that sounded... i blushed slightly as the thought of me helping zane undress slipped into my mind "AH! god no travis what are you thinking STOP!" "your straight remember.." travis whispered to himself
travis never wanted to admit he had sexual attraction to both woman and men the thought of what his dad would think if he ever found out made his heart race. my dad always wanted me to flirt with hot babes and have girlfriends and become a player just how he use to be. i tried so hard to follow in his footsteps although i am never able to even have a shot with the ladies.

my thoughts tore away from me as zane walked down the stairs and whispered a quiet "thank you travis" i was then drawn into a hug which shocked me greatly. zane is hugging me...????! i stuttered for a moment in bewilderment " i i i No problem!!!"

"so zane where were u off to i saw that bag of urs, and u know i realised us two were left completely alone here"

"oh i was going to go to my mothers she is awfully sick and the others went on holiday to love love paradise"

"WHAT why didn't i get invited?!"

"well your suppose to be there right now, i believe they forgot to wake you up-"

"oh.. so they forgot about me.. great"

"oh don't be so sad pretty boy , love love paradise is for couples and lovey dovey people anyway so people like me and you don't have a reason to go there anyway"

" Hey! i can be lovey dovey! and well i me and Katelyn were hitting it off no?"

" i know you don't truly love Katelyn don't try to kid urself and plus u have tried for how long? since high school id say give it up travis"

"i- who's you to tell me my feelings about Katelyn!" even though he was right. i knew i could never have Katelyn and even then she's just a crush. not somebody i think i could love but still hearing somebody say those words angered me slightly.

"anyways im going to head out to my

mothers house cya travis "

"WAIT , can i uh come with you? please..."

"no, no way"

"PLEASE the last thing i want to do is be alone right now, everybody else has already left me"

"i said, no"

-zanes phone rings- -zane picks up- hey mommy.. "Hey Zuzu!!! hi honey you said u were coming to visit mommy?" yes mom... im just leaving and saying goodbye to my...friend "Zuzu i thought all ur friends went to love love paradise?"
they left him behind and forgot about him "OH NO well you cant just leave him ALONE! Zuzu u bring ur friend over to ours tell him not to worry we wont forget about him!" MOM no hes FINE!! "NO ZUZU if you dont bring that boy over i will personally bring him over myself. please Zuzu do it for mamma?" ......FINE ma okay ill bring him ill be over in a few.

"okay grab ur shit u can come"

"YAY" i squealed in excitement, thank the lord for Zianna finally i wont be alone now!

1000+ words

(end of chapter 1 ahahah i hope u guys enjoyed this chapter and woop woops for Zianna the queen ^_^ also if u guys have any feedback id love to hear it in the comments!)

✨"His yin to his yang" // Zanvis // Mystreet fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now