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that was many years ago

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that was many years ago. when although life sucked for maude, times were simpler.

but now things were changed. she was a soldier. an extremely strong one at that. where people knew her name without ever seeing her fight, and would cheer every time she returned from an expedition.

no one knew the reason she was beating up an officer that night. no one really knew much about her before she was caught. but even at that, she was one of the most respected and trusted people in the scout's.

screams were heard from the people on the ground, and maude took a look at what was going on around her.

the colossal titan was back, knocking the gates down before disappearing. just like it did five years ago.

"captain! there are reports of a titan attacking other titans to the west. it seems to have some sort of intelligence." a young cadet came up to maude, ripping her gaze to where the titan was.

"what the fuck." maude mumbled. never in her entirety of being in the scout regiment had she ever seen anything like it.

"werner, go report to erwin immediately. make sure levi and hanji know as well. they should be getting back soon. kai and otto, you're with me, take down these titans. we will go over to that one when this area is clear." maude said to her squad. werner saluted before taking off the opposite direction.

the three took off to below, viciously attacking the titans that were pouring in the hole.

her squad, which was one of the two special ops squads, were very talented. within minutes, they took down twenty titans, coming out unharmed. citizens cheered their names as they watched from the refugee center.

a loud boom was heard, and maude looked in the direction of the smoke, where the titan used to be.

"fuck. you guys stay here and finish clearing the area. i'm going to where that titan was. meet me there when you're done." maude said, and the two nodded.

she grabbed their wrists before they took off, and they looked back towards her. "and don't you dare think about dying. i'll bring you back to kill you myself." she glared.

and although to others she looked serious, the two boys in front of her cracked a smile before nodding and taking off.

zipping through the town, maude came upon yelling and lots of smoke. she landed next to what looked like to be a large titan ribcage, a nonfunctioning one at that.

"maintain formation and stand by." a voice yelled on the other side of the smoke. as she ran through she saw three young cadets, looking terrified.

instinctively, she ran in front of them, facing the direction of the military with her blades drawn.

"wh-who are you?" one of the boys stuttered out. all she did was have to turn her head back towards their direction for them to recognize her as captain maude braur of the scout regiment.

"now, can one of you explain what the hell is going on here?" she asked, looking back towards the wall of smoke.

and the young boy, who introduced himself as armin arlert, explained everything. from watching his friend, eren jaeger, die, to him coming out of a titan, to how he thinks they can get the military to let him live.

the smoke slowly started to fade, only enough to show the three cadets who were kneeled to the ground, and maude, who stood there to defend them.

gasps were heard throughout the crowd of military, which then turned into people yelling.

"captain maude! you must move or else you could be eaten by that monster!"

"please remove yourself!"

"you're going to get yourself killed!"

maude just tightened the grips she had on her blades, glaring at anyone that got too close. landing next to her, kai and otto held their blades out, immediately defending the cadets as well.

armin, eren, and mikasa sat back and watched in admiration. not only was she brave enough to stand up to an entire military, but the members of her squad were standing there with her, no questions asked.

maude's heart felt a little warm too, knowing that her squad trusted her whole heartedly.

"QUIET!" the man in the middle yelled, and the only noise that was heard was the pants of exhaustion of all the soldiers who were yelling.

"captain maude and the special ops squad, i demand you remove yourself immediately! that monster is a danger to humanity and must be eliminated immediately!" he yelled with a look of fright on his face.

these fucking cowards. can't even handle a child.

maude sighed before dropping her blades and standing in a tall salute, kai and otto following right before her.

"i, captain maude braur, will not stand for the elimination of eren jaeger. he is no monster, and we will tell the powers of his titan ability as we see it in the future. i believe he can be of use to humanity." maude yelled. not a single person spoke as they sat and watched her.

"i am warning you to remove yourselves!" he yelled once more.

"i believe with his powers we can take back what we lost today. i will take full responsibility for him and will be punished to the fullest extent if i am wrong." she yelled once more to them, and the man faltered.

as he started to raise his hand, maude, kai, and otto picked their blades back up.

"we will not hesitate to attack!" she yelled, and suddenly they were interrupted.

a hand grabbed his arm before he could give the signal. commander pyxis had appeared.

"that's enough." pyxis grunted.

thank the fucking lord.

"you should really do something about your nervous disposition, captain woerman." he spoke again.

ah, so that's the fuckers name.

"can you not see their heartfelt salutes?" maude paused to look behind her with confusion sewn across her face, to see the three cadets saluting behind them.

"i'm willing to hear them out." pyxis said, walking towards the six in front of him.

captain woerman followed behind him, stopping next to maude as pyxis walked closer to the titan shifter.

"one wrong move from him and i'll make sure you get executed myself." woerman growled in her ear. kai and otto's heads snapped towards him as they heard, glares fierce enough to strangle him right then and there.

the man flinched before going back to where he was moments before, next to his squad members.

"let's do this."

word count: 1058date written: 07

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word count: 1058
date written: 07.26.2022

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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