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"And in the end. It's you against you. Fighting for yourself"
-Anjali Chaturvedi-

 Fighting for yourself"-Anjali Chaturvedi-

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He stands up straight and punches Maya across the face multiple times before giving her a break. "Mm" Maya groans before she spits pools of blood out of her mouth while tiredly, desperately and angrily looking down at the ground, upset that she is defenseless and there's probably no way she'll be getting out of this alive.


"Stop! Just stop!" JJ and Cruz shout in unison, hoping someone, anyone would hear them, but they already started to pour the water onto Maya's face, water boarding her. "You deserve to suffer" Askari whispers in Maya's ear while water takes over her airway, making her not being able to breath. Maya kicks her around frantically, wanting it to stop but they didn't.


"You're okay" Derek reassures as he sits Maya up, allowing her to cough all of the water out of her lungs. "Oh my god" Maya breathes heavily as she shivers uncontrollably and coughs harshly while holding onto Derek's arm, never wanting to let go. "Thank god" JJ says as she lets out a breath of relief while Emily reassuringly rubs her back while Derek removes his jacket and wraps it around Maya's body, trying to keep her warm.


Early in the morning. Sun is out and it's shining through the window of the bathroom that Maya is in right now. The faucet runs and Maya takes a deep breath before placing her hands under the freezing cold water and splashing her face. The water drips down her face, some of the water drops falling onto her shirt or falling back into the sink and slowly making its way down the drain.

Maya opened her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror while the cold water that was splashed on her face shortly started to dry up. As she looked at herself, she couldn't stop thinking about how cold and sharp that water felt when she was getting drowned by Askari and his men. The water hit her like bullet and made her skin shrivel up every time it hit her.

"You deserve to suffer" Askari's voice rings in her ears as she tightens her grip on the countertop while staring at herself in the mirror, begging herself to keep it together. "If you can torture a man to death, you can certainly put in a code" His voice states again and this pushed Maya over the edge, and she couldn't take it anymore.

Glass shattered and Maya looked down at her hand that hand shards of glass in it. She had punched the mirror in the bathroom, and everything slowly started to soak in and she realized what she had done. "What's going on?!" Derek asks as he burst into the bathroom, seeing small droplets of blood on the countertop where the broken glass rest.

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