Chapter One

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She could feel reality bleeding through her dreams, someone saying, "get up, get up, we need to go!" She didn't want to get up. She didn't want to go. She liked this dream. She was back in New Eden, with her girlfriend Amber and her family. But the dream slowly faded into a nightmare, as it was ripped away from her and she was pulled back to her reality. Fully aware of the danger of her situation, she sprang up onto her feet. Her legs were wobbly, and Sharon had to steady her. "You good?" Sharon said, and she nodded. The two of them were on a small island of rock, but it was slowly fading away. "We need to keep moving, and fast!" She shouted to Sharon, using her abilities to make her voice cut through the deafening noises of the Chaos Dimension. She held Sharon tightly by the waist and the two of them flew over to another island. This one was remnants of a Catholic church, and it was fading away quickly. The two of them had only just arrived at the Chaos Dimension, but they'd already seen how destructive it was. If they weren't careful, they could accidentally end both of their existences. One wrong move could stop them from ever having existed in the first place. She quickly shook these thoughts from her head and proceeded to climb the walls of the church, indicating for Sharon to do the same. They were on a mission. A mission to bring their dead friend Bea back to life, and a mission to restore their Universe. Both were very important. Their Universe was on the brink of collapsing in on itself, and it was only a matter of time before it did. Unless they could somehow stop it. The blazing black and yellow colours of the Chaos Dimension were suddenly cut through by a flash of turquoise Magic. "Chaos Magic." Sharon muttered, and she turned around, only to see what she feared would happen. The worst. Mimi was trying to enter the Chaos Dimension. Mimi was responsible for the near destruction of her Universe, and, if she could access the Chaos Dimension, she could be responsible for the destruction of many others. They had to speed up. Chaos Itself seemed to notice their arrival, as It reinforced Its defenses. Not against them, surprisingly, but against Mimi. The Chaos Magic fluttered away, and they were safe once more. "Why are you helping us?" She shouted, seemingly into nothing. For a while, there was no reply. But then there echoed an all too familiar voice. "The destruction of your Universe was never planned to happen this early, none of this was meant to happen. Michael wasn't supposed to die." She was taken aback by the voice she recognised, and evidently, so was Shar. "Is that who I think it is?" Sharon asked, and she nodded. "How are you alive, Io?" She asked. Io. Iophiel. The uncle she'd never met. The Angel that'd never been. The Angel that planted the seeds of the Rebellion. Iophiel was the first mastermind of this Universe, and, ironically, if they couldn't find a way back to New Eden, he would be the last. "Don't worry about that, just focus on getting out of here. By the way, how's Tia?" Iophiel materialised in front of them, his remaining body a frightening mixture of skin, bone, scales, and Chaos Magic.

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