The first meeting

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1st August, 2022.

Dear diary,
Today was one of the best days of my life. The draft off my new novel I sent to my dream company finally got accepted. I have been struggling for almost 2 years now, and I finally got to have a meeting with them. Everyone at home is damn happy for it. Sooo, here I am sitting at the airport for a flight to New York. I know it's a bit fast but everything happened at the last moment. Actually the the writer that was initially selected got into a rumour and his contract with the company is on hold for the time being. So this was how I got a chance. You are the only best friend I have. Are you happy? Thank you. I'll continue to share my life with you. But for now I will go.

Take care friend,
Yours dearly,

With this Riana ended the conversation with her best friend. Yes, her diary was her only best friend. It's not like she doesn't have friends, she has many of them. But no one seems to be as close to her as her diary. She kept her diary into her hand pack, took out her headphones and started searching for a song that would perfectly fit her happiness. She ended up playing 'My happiness' by '3AM'. 3AM was the biggest boyband of Asia.

She finally kept her phone aside and looked up. There she could see flights landing and taking off, through the glass window that was perfectly cleaned by the cleaning lady. She got up from her seat, one hand carrying her phone and other one on the strap of her bag holding it softly. She was wearing a crescent blue floral dress. Not so fashionable but so elegant and soft, perfectly matching her skin tone that turned out to be soft cream pink. She was glowing in that dress, as it hugged her body soothingly. It was just like how the dark night sky hugs the moon making it the most soothing and loveable scenery that can make any loner feel love and any lover feel paradise. Her hair hanging like a silk curtain, reaching her shoulders. They were short and straight. She looked like as though a comic character has stepped into the real world. She was too perfect for this imperfect world. She stood a step away from the glass window, staring at the flight that just take off and started wondering, when he came up. A man, so elegant looking, yet wearing a highly designed fashionable Persian blue three piece suit. Everyone could have guessed that he belonged to a well off family. He had a height of 190 cm, messy black hair, buffed up chest, strong arms, skin tone between light and dark and a glowing aura that he carried along with him everywhere. Looking so perfect. Riana's first thought was "he would have so many girls around him", but what she didn't realized was that the comment was a little loud to be heard by the person standing next to her. He smiled a little, not a genuine one but a 'I am perfect' kind of smile. "Comparing the flight with your life, it takes up every ounce of energy and patience you have", he said while turning his head around to the direction the young lady was once looking in, because now she was busy examining the boy. "How could you know what I was thinking? Are you- by any chance..." she just stopped there. "I am a what??" the man questioned. "Don't mind" a simple two word sentence. She didn't know what was going on in her mind, but somewhere she thought that he would get offended. Now she turned her head towards the glass window again.

None of them were able to break the silence, so maybe the airport tried to. There came an announcement that the flight she and by fate the man were gonna board has started the boarding. Riana silently turned around, went to where she sat writing in her diary, carried her suitcase and started to walk towards the counter. Everything went smooth at the counter, but before entering the footover bridge that led to the entrance of flight, she turned her head a last time to look at the stranger who was busy checking in. "Damn, he looks hot," was the first thing that came to her mind now that she was looking at him from a distance. She entered the walkway, but little did she know the stranger turned his head towards her right after she took a step inside. "Damn, she is still the same, beautiful and calming, like the first time I met her."

Although they didn't flashed a smile at each other during the conversation, but fate was sitting there having a smile on its face, waiting for a beautiful eclipse to occur soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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