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where you read my messed up thoughts carved into sharp words.

where you read my messed up thoughts carved into sharp words

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Ivory words and shaking fingers. Glass hearts and rosy flesh. Thoughts turned words, words bleeding poetry. Poetry that speak death and turns into corpse of beautiful lies woven into ugly truths. 
I speak of pretty lies.
Cherry lips taste like honey, cherry lips crash against vermelion shade lips.  Blood drips down grinning mouths and falls on ground like humans falling from grace.
I scream of ugly truths.
Haunted eyes and void stares. Eyes that once dreamt of reaching stars and touching moon, eyes that now try to dream but end up gazing at taunting sky.  Eyes that now just stare the dream never fulfilled.
I yearn to dream again.

written by: me

this book is just my messed up thoughts turned words

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this book is just my messed up thoughts turned words. Read them and get inspired, if you want to take them then it would be great if you could credit me. There is not genre or category to this book. It is a plot shop(i have so many stories ideas but no time to write them so why not you?), experts of books i may never write (so why not you?), faceclaims (let's be honest we need more and more Asian faceclaims on wattpad specially indian, bangladeshi, pakistani and many other), name ideas (be it book names, character names) and so on. 

I seriously don't know what to even name this books at this point now. So while you are here, enjoy it.

lots of loves!!!!!!!!

lots of loves!!!!!!!!

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