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Wind is normal. Eating is normal. I think. Laughing when there's something to laugh about is normal. Mostly. Not being able to focus too long on a single thing at a time...umm well...that one might actually not be normal per say but I guess it's MY normal? I felt a sting on my hand and immediately looked down. Mosquito. Of course. What do I expect in Texas in the beginning of summer? I must have forgot the bug spray.

Slapping my hand hard enough to leave a red mark, the sting from my own hit was nothing in comparison to my very proud feeling of accomplishment that I was able to kill that damn bug but did see it was sucking me alive considering the amount of blood on my hand. Grimacing, I rubbed my hand on my shorts and readjusted myself. Going to dog parks in Texas...that was something of a scorcher. The seats for the dog owners were always out of the shade-if you asked me I'd say the designers did this on purpose to make sure you moved around with your dog-which made the damn things extremely hot even if it was barely reaching 8AM. It was already 87 degrees out and we were on an "excessive heat" advisory for the remainder of the week. I love Texas but this heat really is something else.

Wiping my forehead with the back of my hand, I turned to find that poor Twinkles was standing in the heat under the only shade he could find looking right at me.

"Twinkles! Is it time to go inside yet? You done doing your business?" I called out to him

Say what you will but dogs are VERY intelligent creatures if you communicated with them and gave them the chance to show you how intelligent they can be. He sneezed and trotted over to me with his tongue hanging out and panting. We hadn't even been here for 10 minutes. I saw him pissing everywhere but I didn't see any poops being done.

"Did you poop?" I asked him as I rubbed his head

He shook his head at me and walked over to the gated entrance.

In Twinkle language, that meant he didn't and now wanted to go into the A/C and leave all the heat behind. I stood up and looked around the dog park area just to make sure that he didn't lie to me. Sometimes, he's been known to actually poop and just not say anything so we could leave faster. That little shit head. I didn't actually see anything aside from the 4 piles of white shit from the other dogs that hadn't been cleaned up. Nothing brown on the ground from Twinkle-at least not that I could see.

Taking his leash with me, I walked over to the entrance and put his leash on him before opening the door. He sure did speed out of there fairly quickly.

"Twinkle, ready to go inside boy?" I asked him softly as I looked around to make sure that no other dogs were around. Twinkle was a rescue but didn't really do well with other dogs that were bigger than him.

He barked once and began speed walking towards our house. Our house wasn't anything special nor was it anything grand. My grandparents had owned it and when they passed, they left it to me. At the time, I was 20 years old and had no idea they even planned on leaving me their house. They only had 2 children, my father and my uncle. My grandmother had always told me she was so happy she had a granddaughter to spoil since she didn't get the chance to spoil a daughter when she was in her "child baring years". My uncle never married but he did have 3 children he acknowledged to be his but my dad had said that he really had 9 kids he just didn't want to pay child support on.

My parents were never able to have children of their own. Unfortunately, my mother was the one whom couldn't have children. My dad told me that for years, they tried to have a miracle baby and it just never happened. I found one of my mothers diaries when I was maybe 8 years old. She was depressed for years because she couldn't have kids. When I asked my mom about it, she looked so sad. I remember her telling me that one day I'd understand why she did what she did when I found my one true love. She gave me a kiss and told me she'd love me forever and ever before she took her diary away from me. I wasn't able to find anymore of her diaries after that.

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