Link wasn't ready for this.
As he followed his friend into the emergency room, his heart pounded and his forehead was beaded with sweat. He stared at Rhett's bleeding forehead as he was wheeled into the room.
A tear ran down his cheek. They couldn't make a show today. He looked at his watch. 5:47. No way Good Mythical Morning could happen. He didn't want to keep the mythical beasts waiting, but he didn't want to leave his friend while he was in this grave situation. Rhett's face was peaceful, like he didn't even know he had a giant gash on his forehead and minor cuts all over his body. Like that car didn't hit him. Like Link's car didn't hit him.
Link's heart was overflowing with guilt. He was going to pick Rhett up to go to the studio when he didn't look and-bam!-there his friend lay on the ground, his body limp and lifeless. Link quickly called the ambulance and luckily, Rhett's heart was still beating.
The only problem was, the doctor was sure Rhett wasn't going to make it.
Link crossed his fingers, the tears almost falling down his face. His best friend, the friend he'd known almost all his life. Taken away? No. Just no.
He stared at the green line on Rhett's heart monitor as the ambulance rushed to the hospital.
It was unsteady, mimicking Link's own thoughts, messy and untidy. Like a kid took a crayon and drew all over Link's mind.
Link fell each time the line started to straighten.
Realized - a Rhink fanfic
FanfictionRhett gets into a car accident. Who's car was it? Link's. Filled with guilt, Link realizes something in the hospital. Something that would change his life.