Perfection. an Elounor one shot.

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Eleanor quickly ran into the crappy bathrooms of Way side high school. She pushed the creaky stall door open with all her might, dropping down to her knees, hitting the hard tile floor. Right as soon as she hastily shoved her pointer finger down her throat, the event that made her do this replayed in her mind.


She and a few of her friends had been goofing off in the drama room, where all of the school's costumes were. They were each taking turns trying on different costumes and acting out the character.

They had found Sandy's Catsuit from when the school did Grease. Eleanor was the first to try it on. She was very insecure as it was, so she was very hesitant. None of her friends knew that she was bulimic, which was an issue. A huge issue.

But for her friends' sakes, she had to do it. "Aye, Louis, why don't you zip it up?" Her perverted friend, Zayn, yelled. This earned him a slap to the shoulder from his girlfriend.

Normally, this wouldn't be a problem. Eleanor and Louis were close friends. But lately, she realized she was practically in love with him.

"Ha ha ha. I don't care. Eleanor is my friend." Louis said sarcastically. "C'mon Babe." He joked. She wished it was real. He took her hand, sending shivers down her small spine, and led her behind the privacy curtain.

"Use a condom!" Zayn yelled. "Zayn!" Perrie scolded, trying to hide her smile. Eleanor and Louis ignored them.

Louis, being the gentleman he is, turned around letting Eleanor get the catsuit up. When she got it up, she wanted to die. To anyone else it looked amazing, and they'd be jealous. But to her, It looked like a fat man in spandex.

Louis slowly made his way over to Eleanor, smiling. He zipped it up, not having a problem. In Eleanor's view, he had to yank it up.

"Let's go out." He smiled. Frowning, they both walked out. As soon as Eleanor stepped out, she got cat calls from Harry and Niall. Liam and Zayn would've done it, but, you know, their girlfriends were in there.

Eleanor's eyes filled up with tears. She was borderline hallucinating that everyone was making disgusted faces. She ran behind the curtain, yanked off the catsuit, and threw her original clothes on, not caring what her friends' faces read.


"Eleanor? ELEANOR?!" Louis. Why did he have to come after her?

"What." Eleanor cried. This only made the tears come harder.

Louis burst in the stall door. "Eleanor what the hell are you doing?!" He yelled.

"Trying to be perfect! Everybody else in the whole damn school is, why can't I be?! Lets face it. I'm a fat, ugly bitch!" Eleanor poured all of her feelings out. She stood up and walked to the partially dirty mirror.

"Eleanor. Look in the mirror. What's the first word that comes to mind?"

"Ugly." She replied, telling the truth.

"Really? Because that's not what comes to mine. You know what mine is?"

"Uh, I don't know, gay? Bitch? Fat?" Eleanor guessed as she messed with her wavy brown hair.

"Not even close. The word that comes to mind it beautiful. Because its true. You're amazing. You're skinny, bubbly, bright, and pretty. But you know what else?"

"What." Eleanor cracked a small smile.

"You are pretty gay." Louis laughed. As did Eleanor. After they stopped laughing, things became serious again.

"Now come on. We need to go put Zayn in the catsuit." He Joked as he took her hand, interlocking their fingers. Little did Eleanor know, that was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.


So what'd you guys think? I wrote the one shot thing on my phone and I don't have very good signal in my house. PLEASE COMMENT, AND FAVORITE, AND VOTE. IF YOU DO I WILL GIVE YOU COOKIES. Hehe.

Love you guys!! Baiii:)

Xx Lauren

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2013 ⏰

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