1. advices

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  It's been a hard day for Marinette. Well - it's always the same. It's always the same loop. She gets up, she goes to school as a clumsy, shy and quiet girl. When there's a danger in Paris, she transforms into a powerful and confident superhero. Ladybug. When she defeats the akumatized vilian with her partner - Chat Noir, she goes all tired to her house and think about that one goddamn boy once again. The boy she fell madly inlove since the day he decided to give her his black umbrella, so she won't  get wet from all the rain.

  - ,,I don't know, Tikki." Marinette talks with her kwami about Adrien while looking at the view from her balcony. The boy of her dreams. The boy who she dies for.

- ,,I do love him! And I really want to tell him that, I really do. It's so hard. I tried everything, nothing or no one helps me."

- ,,I'm sorry Mari. I think you do know that i can't really help you. I can't fall in love. Kwamis can't fall in love. It's hard for me as well - maybe you should try to.. be yourself around him?" Tikki speak to her owner.

Marinette sighs again. This poor girl really doesn't know what to do. She appreciates the comfort and help her little friend tries to give. She has Alya and her other friends from school. And she appreciates their advices as well. But she still can't tell Adrien about her feelings. In fact - she can't tell him anything.

- ,,What was that noise?" The girl asked Tikki.

- ,,Hello, Mari."  A familiar voice said.
Was it..

- ,,CHAT NOIR?!" Good lord. It's just you. Alriiight then. Hello, Chat. How are you? It's quite late.. I don't mind tho!" Marinette said. - ,,Is everything okay?"

- ,,Yup, everything is alright." He smiled. ,,Actually.. i wanted to check on you. How have you been?"

- ,,You.. you wanted to check on me?" she blushed slightly. Chat smiled as he saw the pink colour spreading over her cheeks. - ,,I am okay, I guess"

- ,,You guess?"

- ,,Yeah. I'm not gonna lie, it's alright. Nothing special happened."

    Chat knew she was lying. He knew it from her tone and the way she didn't even look at him. She looked at the floor instead. He really wanted to help her. he was worried about her.

- ,,Okaaay.. are you.. really sure about that?" He worriedly asked.

- ,,Yes, Chat! I'm okay - I swear i wouldn't lie to you" she changed her tone and finally looked at him.

- ,,Mari, listen to me. I worry about you, everytime when I'm here I talk about Ladybug. And even though you seem sad, or really tired you're always here to comfort me. Your feelings also matter. They are so important, especially to me, Marinette. I'm not suddenly in your balcony out of nowhere. I REALLY want to check on you. On your feelings." Chat grabbed her hand and squeezed it, as Marinette blushed even more. - ,,It's the boy, isn't it?"

- ,,Yeah." She squeezed his hand back. - ,,I know it's dumb, but I really love him. I tried to tell him that i love him. But I feel a blockage whenever I try to open my mind. It's not only when i want to tell him how I feel. The blockage is ALWAYS with me when he's next to me. I think too much Chat, it hurts." The dark haired girl felt tears coming to her blue eyes.

- ,,Hey, It's not dumb - I totally understand you. And it's okay to feel like that. It's normal. This boy still doesn't know that, but he's so lucky. And he definitely appreciates you. Maybe.. you know.. I think that the best thing to do is.. you should try be yourself."

- ,,Why is everyone telling me that?" She mutters

- ,,Who else told you that?"

- ,,..Whatever"

   Chat giggled. - ,,You need to be confident. Don't think that he's going to reject you, or that you're going to screw up everything you're telling to him. I'm 100% sure that he'll appreciate it if you will.. maybe ask him out? It doesn't need to be a date already, just hang out with him, maybe go to the park or to the cinema?"

- ,,I don't think if he even would like to go somewhere with me.."

- ,,Marinette, but I think that he will be very pleased. Please, don't lose your hopes, princess." He caressed her cheek. ,,I know it's hard, but I believe in you. Ask him out tomorrow, it'll be great. Maybe you could.. wait for me? Tomorrow? On your balcony? So we could.. you know, talk about how it went? If you don't mind!"

   Marinette giggled. - ,,Of course I don't mind. I love presence." They both shared a smile

- ,,I'm glad about that princess. See you tomorrow!"

- ,,Goodnight Chat! See you tomorrow."

Helloooo guys!! That's my first book, so i hope it's great. I LOVE Marichat and I feel like we're not getting enough Marichat in the show, so i decided on making my own fanfic. If there are any mistakes - I am so sorry, but English isn't my first language 😭 anyways, I'll try to update as soon as possible! 🤍


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