Twenty-Two: This house doesn't feel like home

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The more I'm around Miriam and Dustin, the less I want to go back to the house. I may live here, but this house doesn't feel like home. Nowhere really does.

I'm relieved to find the house empty when ai get back. Melissa isn't here and neither is Todd.

I remember the bread Suki gave me so I make my way to the kitchen to make myself dinner. I've been eating a lot more these past weeks and it makes a big difference in how I feel.

I just make simple toast, but it's better than nothing. I've always had a hard time cooking in this kitchen, scared it'll for some reason tick Melissa off.

I smear on some butter and jelly that seems like it's about to go bad before cleaning up and retreating to my room.

Faith is wide awake and bubbly, looking like she has no plans of returning to sleep.

I put down the blanket before setting her on the floor, grabbing some toys and sitting down with her. She's very amused by me shaking the reindeer with bells on it, the sound making her laugh every time.

So easily entertained.

She reaches for my toast when she sees me take a bite so I make her a bottle. I was running low on formula so Suki gave me this me can at the perfect time.

Faith seems content with her bottle so I rock her while she chugs it.

Usually this puts her to sleep but she is still wide awake, her big brown eyes widely staring up at me.

I kiss her nose making her scrunch her face and smile.

I play with Faith more, happily entertaining her with her stuffed animals and other play things. She loves anything that makes a noise so I shake the rattle, and deer with a bell, making her squeal in delight.

I play with Faith for about an hour more until she starts yawning. I gather her in my arms, rocking her as I walk to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

She loves bathtime so when I sit her in the small baby tub, she squeals from the warm water on her skin.

When she's clean and changed, I rock her while walking around the room, smiling when she dozes off, dutifully chewing on her thumb.

As usual, I'm not tired. I lay in my bed, confined to these same four walls that sometimes feel like a prison.


"Good morning, Blade." Dustin says, signing the words he speaks.

I smile. He's getting better. Good morning, Dustin. I sign back. I ask him how he's doing.

He grinned. "I'm doing wonderful."

He walks with me to school. We were only a couple blocks away. Usually, he has his car so I'm surprised he's walking.

"God, you actually hang out with her?" Alice sneers as she slowly drives past us.

Dustin ignores her, focusing on me. "So... are you down for another adventure?"

I nod, feeling excited for whatever he has planned. The feeling soon changes to anxiety as I see Alice's car stop a few yards in front of us

"Sup, freaks," Josh says, getting out of Alice's car.

Dustin looks put off by their disturbance, but ignores them.

"I'm talking to you punk," Josh seethes, getting in Dustin's face.

Dustin merely sighs. "Are you here for round two, punk."

Josh smirks. "Actually I am. And I brought friends." Two guys step out of the car with menacing looks on their faces, but Dustin just rolls his eyes.

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