Twenty-seven: Not very subtle

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I've been on my best behavior at school after the guidance counselor talked to me. It was scary to think that the school might start poking into my personal life. I have to be as inconspicuous as possible by doing all my assignments to the best of my ability, arriving at school early -but not too early- and attending all classes everyday. With Melissa gone, I don't have to worry too much about skipping school to take care of her or myself so it's easier keeping up appearances.

I try to avoid Dustin when I see him approach me in the hallway, but I don't get far.

"I know you're avoiding me."

Caught red handed but I don't try to defend myself. I was beyond embarrassed after breaking down in his arms the other day and now I have other things lurking in the shadows that are occupying my mind.

Dustin doesn't say anything else. Instead, he happily chats away about Dorito and the way the dopey dog dug up Miriam's flowers. He goes on about how Miriam yelled at him then five minutes later gave him a hug because she felt bad.

"Big ole softy that one," he jokes. Dustin bids me goodbye as we part ways to class and I take the time to get my mind together.

Most of the time for lunch, I hide out somewhere (usually the library) and wait it out. Today is no different. I'm not a big reader but libraries are a safe haven. A quiet place.

The last person I expect to see sitting alone in the library is Alice. She's perched in a corner, her body slouched over. It's not easy to see that it's her since she's wearing a hoodie and jeans as opposed to her usual attire but I would recognize her in a garbage bag. She has been bullying me for the better part of high school.

I don't approach her. I have no reason to, so I sit on the opposite side of the room to look at pictures in the encyclopedia.

"My mom wants to meet you. Do you want to come over to dinner tonight ?"

I'm still not used to Dustin just appearing next to me, so I startle. We haven't done anything together in about two weeks. With everything that has been happening, seeing him has been the last thing on my mind.

It takes a few moments for me to process his words and I stop in my tracks, looking at him confused.

He raises an eyebrow at me. "So..."

I blink at him, hoping he'd give me more of an explanation about why his mom even knows I exist.

"Miriam mentioned you and also mentioned that you came over and mom said she doesn't like having people she doesn't know in her house so she wants to meet you." he grins. "My mom doesn't like to be told no."

That's not persuading me.

"Come on," he coaxes. "My parents are cool. Very chill and they really want to meet you. Plus, mom is making her famous lasagna tonight."

I nod hesitantly.

"Awesome!" he smiles. "Meet me in the parking lot after classes."

He doesn't give me time to respond since he's already walking down the hall.

I sigh, closing my locker door with force making it slam. Totally unnecessary, but it made me feel better.


I see Dustin leaning against his car with his arms folded. He looks out of place with his painted nails, messy hair and dark attire. I stalk up to him, unable to look him in the eye.

I feel guilty for how I've treated him these past few days. I've been so caught up in my head that I've been avoiding him and pushing my cold shoulder. He doesn't seem put off by it, but it's not fair of me to act like this.

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