Private Training

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A bead of sweat raced down your temple, giving your cheek a slight tickling sensation. You leaped back and rested your hands on your thighs, panting. You wiped off the sweat, standing back up straight and seeing Reiner doing the same about ten feet away. You cleared you throat and sighed. He stared at you pointedly while you smirked at him.

"You haven't improved at all, [Name]." Reiner said, the smallest of smirks forming on his lips. The simple upward twitch of his mouth was enough to get you going. You frowned, your brow furrowing.

"You clearly haven't either!" You shouted back at him, folding your arms over your chest.

"Well, shall we try another round then?" You heard him say just as you started to walk away. You stopped and turned, trying to hide the smile on your face as you gave a curt nod and readied yourself in a fighting stance. He held that tiny smirk as he readied himself as well.

"I'm not gonna go easy on you this time." Reiner pointed out to you. You laughed.

"Sure," and with that, you lunged. Though Reiner was caught a bit off guard he still managed to dodge your attack at the last second. You growled in frustration, immediately pivoting your foot to face him. You ducked as he swung his leg over you, you swinging your leg beneath him as a counter-attack. You knocked him to the ground, but he quickly leaped up effortlessly and back onto his feet. You mimicked his movements, gracefully landing on your feet as well before swinging your fist to meet his right cheek, which he easily dodged. He was just about to swing his own fist when the recruits were called in for dinner. You dodged just in time and ran in the direction of your gear and jacket. As you packed up, Reiner came over to you and folded his arms.

"Come back to the training grounds after dark. We'll train then." You gasped and looked up at him.

"Can we do that?"

"Relax, think of it as private training." He threw a sly smirk towards you before walking to the hall to eat. You smiled to yourself, an ever present blush forming on your cheeks. You've always had a thing for the blonde, that you couldn't deny. You happily walked over to the hall where you sat with Sasha during your dinner. While she spoke animatedly about what she and Connie had done to Jean, you found yourself lost in thought, trying to calm the huddled nerves that grew in the pit of your stomach.


"Reiner?" You whispered as you silently snuck out onto the field. You looked around and saw nothing but vast darkness. You began to get a bit nervous at the thought of being out here alone. Maybe he tricked you. Maybe he wanted to see you scared and weak, so he lied about training to get you out here. Alone. The thought stung you a bit, and you sighed, hugging your jacket tighter to yourself as a sudden gust of freezing wind whipped past you.

"Have you been waiting long?" An all-too-familiar voice spoke up behind you. You shrieked lightly and spun around, coming face to face with the taller recruit. Your cheeks became flushed, unbeknownst to Reiner due to the darkness, as you slapped his shoulder.

"Don't do that to me!" You scolded him. He chuckled quietly and patted your head.

"I didn't mean to scare you." You noticed that he had brought a lantern with him, something you then mentally slapped yourself for not doing in the first place. You followed him to the combat area, a comfortable silence falling upon the both of you. When you reached the area, he put the lantern down on the ground and walked over to the other side. You were perfectly content with staying on the side that was closer to the light, though you would never admit it out loud.

"Alright, [Name]. I want you to give this all you've got, okay?" You heard him say, even though you couldn't really see him.

"Of course I will." You readied your stance, and waited for him to attack first.

All of the sudden a fist had come flying straight towards you. It took you a couple milliseconds to react, but you dodged it just in time. You swung your fist towards his jaw and luckily for you it made contact, shocking him for just a moment. He regained his composer in no time and ran towards you at a frighteningly fast pace. You gasped and leaped out of the way, digging your heels into the ground to stop yourself. You then lunged yourself at him, preparing to give another blow to the opposite jaw, when in the midst of your running you had tripped on a protruding rock and bashed straight into Reiner, causing you both to collapse on the floor. You groaned in pain and sat up. A deep Crimson spread across your cheeks when you realized sitting up meant straddling Reiner. He groaned lightly beneath you, causing you to gasp and roll off of him. You ran to grab the lantern and rushed back to him, checking his face and body for any major injuries. Once you concluded there were none, you knelt down on both knees and peered over at him. You had always thought he was rather attractive, but the way the light shown on his face made him look ten times more attractive to you then usual.

"Reiner? Are you okay?" You asked, feeling his forehead for any noticeable bumps. He grunts in response, cringing as you touch the left side gingerly.

"I'm fine." He muttered in response, groaning as he got up. Once he was sitting upright, he looked over at you, noticing your slightly reddened cheeks as your [e/c] eyes looked down, embarrassed. He sighed.

"You're so clumsy, you know that?" You sighed in defeat and played with your hands.

"I know..." You said quietly. He brought his hand up to touch you face, bringing it up to look at him.

"It's one of the things I love about you."

Your eyes widened at the sudden confession, and your mind raced as he leaned in towards you, and as his lips lightly collided with your own your entire mind exploded. You reciprocated almost immediately as your hands found their way around his neck. You felt his arms snake around your waist as he pulled you back onto his lap, making you smile into the kiss. You both parted for air, and then you smiled at him, and for once, he smiled a small smile back.

"We should probably go back to our dorms..." You said quietly. He only hummed in response, capturing your lips with his once more.

"Let's just sit here a little while longer."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2015 ⏰

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Private Training - Reiner x Reader (An SnK/AoT One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now