Arabella angry

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At Dark town, the weaselings came back with the whole planispheric disk*

Lumina: You got the whole disk!

Morty: Yeah, Wolf and his friends helped us get it by sneaking in Destroido. Plus the mystery gang are keeping Nova.

Pentol: So now that we got the disk, what do we do with it?

Lumina: This disc will give us the coordinates of the four keys we need to open the four doors.

Tigs: Hmmm, I'm going to need Skektek, Stegz, Jab and Von Kriplespac to help me make a machine to find those four keys.

Arabella appears still ignoring her siblings.

Malikai: Arabella, I got a job for you.

Arabella stays silent

Malikai: I want you to make coffee with Cappichio for us to celebrate.

Arabella-( Sarcastically ) Good for you.

They look at her

Tops: Oh I know what can cheer you up.

Arabella- What ?

Tops tackles her and nibbles her belly*

Arabella smiled a little before she slapped him off

Tops: Hey!

Arabella- NO !!

Snappy, Snowball, Golda, and Aquarius looked*

Malikai: Oh, did you lost little Mikey?

Arabella- Yes ! That and Im still PISSED at Ludel !!

Ludel: Oh...

Malikai: I have an idea, Ludel, your going to spend time with your sister the whole weekend.

Ludel: What?!

Arabella-( Glares ) You deserve that for BANISHING ME !!!!! And Mal you should have stopped him !

Malikai: I know, but I'll find little Mikey for you.

Arabella- This is the WORST !!!

Time skip ...

She finished making coffee

Ludel looks at her*

She finishes making their cupd

Malikai: Thanks sis. Oh, I found your little Mikey.

Arabella- Little Mikey !

Arabella tackles the monster bear plush and tearfully hugs him.

Malikai smiles and pats her back*

Arabella- Little Mikey is the ONLY one who understands my pain !

Ludel looks

He can tell she is still hurt by what he called her and banished her for as she snuggled her monster bear

Ludel has to hang out with her*

Arabella- Im still upset you guys would let this happen. You did NOTHING !!

Jason: We can make it up to you sis.

Arbaella- You better. Because that hurt me like how YOU JASON banished Zanobia for telling Pentol's secret

Jason: I know.

Malikai: Let's spend time as a family, and let's forgive and forget about this.

Ludel: Fine.. 

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