Getting home (E)

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POV Emma

I get outside again after giving Will some water and everyone is gone but Miss Brown. "You still here?" "Yeah, my friends just left but I wanted to check on you. See If you're okey" "I am fine" I want to walk away but she grabs my arm and pulls me down. "Have a seat" I lower myself next to her. "Why are you trying so hard?" "Everybody deserves support Emma, you do too. And as your mentor teacher, i want to help you. I can tell something is off. I want to help my student being the best version of who they are and help them to become whatever they want. I want them to know they can talk to me about anything. I'll always listen, no judging. It is my job Emma" I don't know what to say "but if you want we can just stare at those flames. Cosy..." she smiles.

After a while of staring into the flames I look at miss brown. "I've never thanked you... so, thanks" "what for?" "For not giving me detention after the shower incident, for not telling on me about my 'sick leave', ... for everything" she looks at me and smiles. "No problem, i won't tell on you... but I do wonder... why where you showering at school?" "Nobody uses those" i reply with a smile . "Yeah, i know but what i meant was why at school, why not at home?"

I hesitate but somehow i want to tell her. "Home wasn't an option. It hasn't been an option for a few days now" I do this thing with me rings when i get nervous and stare into the flames again. i feel her moving closer to me. "You want to talk about it?"

"Now and then it isn't good for me to be home. Those moments i can better be gone." I leave out as much details as possible. "It can't be that bad?" I mumble "not when everybody is sober" "what?" She asks. I was mumbling so she didn't hear me but i wasn't going to repeat myself.

"Nothing"  "you can tell me" she says as her hand was laying on my knee. I move my leg so her hand falls off and get up.

"Where are you going" she ask me. "Does it matter?" "It is already late so yeah... are you going home? Or are you staying here?" "Wherever the night takes me" I answer. I can tell she isn't liking it for one bit. She stands up and turns to me. "Let me take you home" she says. Now I am confused. Does she want to take me to her home? Why? What the actual fuck? I think she spotted my confusion because she clarifies herself "let me take you to your home"     

I don't reply. "You've already had some drinks" "I am not drunk" "I didn't say you are... You've been drinking tonight. So i'll not let you wander off into the streets. And school is closed so you can't stay or shower there" she smiles at me waiting for an answer. I nod and keep my eyes on her as she walks inside to get her belongings. The moment she entered the house is turn around and start running. I'm not the running type, not at all. It seems the only chance i've got to get away from miss brown. I am not going home, and i can't go back to Will. She could be waiting for me to come back.

A few minutes in I stop running but keep walking. another night at the park i guess. A few minutes from William, on the way to school, a small park is located next to the road. It has a few benches so I could crash under the sky , keeping my body off the ground. I lower myself onto one of the benches, lay down on my back and place my feet up. The street lamp is still on. I look up to the sky and try to relax. I put in one of my air-pods and start some good old NickelBack *Never made it as a wise man, I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing...* Music always helps me cope with stuff. Music and art. I forgot to take my sketchbook so music is the only option for now.

*this time I'm mistaken for handing you a heart worth breaking* my mind, my body and my soul were vibing with the music but some weird sound is getting louder and interrupting my moment. I can't tell what it is. "Emma!" Did I really just hear my name? I look up. Of course... Miss Brown found me

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