How they met you

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Human kite: He met you on a rooftop, you were sitting on the edge, and he thought you were going to kill yourself. :(

Toolshed: You were walking, until he bumped into you, he apologized, You said he looked cool, you guys had a sweet conversation, but he had to go.

Mysterion:He was sitting on your window when you left it open, you were going to scream until he comforted you, you guys talked, and talked, and at 4:58, He went away

The Coon: You met him at a Fast food restaurant when he was fighting a worker, you flipped her off and The Coon appreciated that.

Super Craig: He was flipping off everyone who looked at him, he flipped you off and you returned the favour, You gave him your number

Fastpass(or whatever u call him): He was running then passed you, lets say you were too attractive for him, so he asked you for your number and you gave it

Mosquito: You worked at raisins, he found you attractive and gave you him your number

Super Tweek: He nearly shocked you with his electric lightning, He was about to apologize until he saw you, he fainted due to your prettiness.

Tupperware: You and tolkien were bestfriends, he told you his identity, and you and tupperware aka TOLKIEN are still friends.

Doctor Timothy: You and timmy are Friends, he showed you that he was Doctor timothy, you said it was obvious that he was doctor timothy.

Professor Chaos: You were one of his minions, you were the first to get ranked up to the next title.

Captain diabetes: He didnt have enough insulin(or that thing for diabetes bc idk) so you buyed him some.

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