「🌙」𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨; 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘶𝘦

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❤︎ ━━━━━━━━━


tokyo, japan.

minho stretched out his arm from under his cover, picking up his phone to press the 'dismiss' button on his alarm, and placing his phone back onto his nightstand.
he sighed, and sat up in his bed, leaning against the headboard, trying to find the energy to get out of bed.

finally getting out of bed, he strolled to the bathroom to take a cold shower to wake himself up.
he exited the bathroom, going back to his bedroom, and walked straight towards his small closet to pick out an outfit.
his outfit consisted of a white graphic t-shirt with a picture of ' totoro ' in the middle, a green hoodie in a pastel shade, and a pair of white shorts.

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he exited his bedroom and walked into the living room where his grandmother was preparing tea sitting on the kotatsu.
oh, minho, you're leaving already?
his grandmother inquired.
yes, i have an early shift today, but i'll be back later than usual.
minho explained.
will you be okay until then?
he asked.
yes, i'll be fine.
she responded.

minho finished pulling up the zipper on his white platform boots and grabbed a white bag before exiting the small apartment he lived in with his grandmother.

right next to the apartment building he lived in was a small, restaurant owned by a nice old woman, which is where he was headed.

good morning, ms. sasaki.
minho greeted as he opened the door to the small restaurant.
oh, good morning lino, you're here early.
the older woman replied looking up from the bar that she had been wiping down with a smile.
i know, i got called in early.
minho explained, sitting in his usual seat at the bar, placing his bag on the floor.
those people are overworking you.
she complained as she walk over towards where minho had sat down.
the usual i assume?
the woman asked and minho nodded.
she then disappeared into the kitchen to prepare the dish.

just then, minho heard the bells of the restaurant entrance jingle, out of instinct, minho turned around to see a tall, handsome, blonde haired man wearing a very expensive looking suit, carrying a white bag identical to minho's.
in all honesty, he looked very out of place there.

the blonde walked up towards minho and sat on the bar stool on his right, placing his bag on the floor next to minho's.
good morning.
minho greeted with a smile in an attempt to be polite.
good morning.
the male said back, returning the smile.

here's you're order lino! ❞ the older woman exclaimed placing down a plate with an omelette on it in front of minho.
what can i get you?
the woman asked as she turned to face the male sitting next to minho.
i'll just have a coffee.
he answered.
the woman responded with a nod and returned to the kitchen while minho began to eat his omelette.

five minutes later the woman returned with a cup of coffee and handed it to the taller male to which the latter thanked her.

minho had just finished his omelette when he checked the time on his phone.
thank you for the meal ms. sasaki!
minho thanked, grabbing his bag and bowing to the older woman, exiting the restaurant.
have a good day lino!
she yelled out to the male and the door shut closed.

𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴; 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙉Where stories live. Discover now