Second Choice

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Second Choice (Free Verse)
by Xielleruby

"It's fine , choose him."
It took quite some time for me
to let go of those words.
As my heart tends to broke ,
and as I hold my tears  to fall.

It's kill*ng me.
As I realized I might forever be
stuck being your second choice.
You need me when he's nowhere.
Without his presence that's when you'll choose me.

How badly I wanna spend more time with you,
but it's not always me that you want too.
Behind those lips that says "I need you",
there's the truth that says "I wish it was him."

The guy whose name is carved in your heart.
A man whom you wish to be with,
as you wish upon a star.
He's the reason of your prettiest smile.
The one you've chosen among the crowd.

It's my dream to be the man you'd love,
but who am I to grieve ?
I know he's the one who fills your heart.
And I know one day you'll leave me
when you can finally be with him, which you call your home.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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