1. lie for our love

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Porsche was... Tired. Incredibly so.

He, personally, felt like he worked too hard to be subjected to such a cruel fate.

With a gentle nod and small smile, Porsche took a glass of champagne off of the tray next to him. The temptation would be a bitch but Teh had given him a questioning look and asked 'why aren't you drinking?', so here he was.

He swished the champagne around in his glass and mimed taking a sip, letting the champagne touch his lips, but not drinking it.

That seemed to placate Kinn's friends, and aid with his cover, thanks Teh, as Porsche allowed the glass to fall to his side.

Kinn pulled him a little closer, so that their hips were flush, with Porsche's resting slightly below Kinn's.

Porsche forced a laugh.

"So clingy," He teased, using his grip on Kinn's arm to give it a squeeze.

Kinn merely laughed back, flashing Porsche that winning, Theerapanyakul smile.

Porsche cursed that smile.

That smile was what got him into this mess in the first place.


When Porsche had come to work that day, he was sure things couldn't be too terrible.

He had only been here a few weeks and he was feeling a bit better about how things were going.

Which is why things absolutely had to get worse.

Kinn had called him to his office that morning with a job for him.

"Since you're a new face around here, no one in the underworld really knows you're on our staff, I have a special job for you," He'd said it all with that smile, that made Porsche's traitorous heart quicken in his chest.

Kinn swept a hand through the air, gesturing to a file on the desk.

Porsche took it and thumbed through it.

"Your... Boyfriend, sir?" He asked, keeping his tone carefully neutral, when, in reality, he felt like exploding.

From anger or something else, he wasn't entirely sure.

"Of course," Kinn said, easily, still smiling, now resting his chin on the back of his hands. "What better way to have a bodyguard by my side the entire night, with no one being any the wiser?"

Porsche wanted to scream 'you're fucking insane' but he would probably die if he did, so instead, he settled for a curt nod.

He didn't really have a choice anyways, did he?


And so, there he was, wearing clothes that are probably more expensive than his house, laughing with people who could buy and sell him a million times over, pretending he belonged.

It almost helped that Kinn just wouldn't stop touching him.

It was grounding, in a way, knowing that someone else was there, someone was beside him. Almost like someone cared about him.

Kinn's hands were everywhere, everywhere that could be deemed decent enough for being out in public anyways.

On the small of Porsche's back, curled protectively around his hip, slung around his shoulders, although currently, their arms were looped together, as Porsche did his best to act like the soft, delicate, pretty boys that Kinn usually went for.

Yeah, he noticed the backhanded compliments about how 'different' he looked, from Kinn's usual type, they were not appreciated.

Surprisingly, Kinn had glared down everyone who dared make a comment on his appearance, which Porsche supposed was all in line with Kinn acting the part.

Kinn was better at this than Porsche had given him credit for!

"What do you think, Porsche?" Time asked, and Porsche realized, belatedly, that he had not been following at all.

"What do I think?" He managed, with a small amount of shock, as though it was so strange for one of his boyfriend's friends to be asking his opinion.

"About the, uh, party," Time clarified, while Kinn stifled a smile in his own glass of champagne.

Porsche dug his nails into Kinn's arm in retaliation, then immediately tensed.

Holy shit.

His absent-minded, air-headed antics were going to get him killed.

Mercifully, Kinn's only reaction was to merely chuckle, although who knows what would happen when they were back home, while Porsche turned his attention back to Time and tried to pretend he didn't fear for his own life.

"I think it's wonderful, sorry, I completely missed what you were saying, because I was so busy just," He paused, trying to find the right word. "Taking it in!"

Which wasn't... Entirely incorrect.

He was taking it in! Sort of...

It was more like taking in every possible entrance and exit, taking stock of where every other bodyguard in the building was stationed, and potential cover in case a gun-fight breaks out.

So, yes, he'd caught the architecture and decor of the grand hall they were in during that, and he felt comfortable enough to say that he was 'taking it in'.

Teh snickered at his response, as if knowing exactly what Porsche meant by what he said.

Porsche shot him a look, faking another sip of his champagne.

Kinn carefully tugged against Porsche's arm and, okay yeah, people probably already know they're together, so they don't need to be hanging off of each other, so Porsche lets go, even if he feels a little cold afterwards, but instead of distancing himself, Kinn slipped his arm around Porsche's back and, ever so slowly, slipped his hand into Porsche's back pocket.

Porsche wanted to kill this man, he really did.

Instead, he just smiled a little, leaning his head against Kinn's shoulder, vowing to only think about killing his boss.

Kinn looked smug, like the cat who got the canary, as he tilted his head to the side to rest it against Porsche's head.

"Ugh, y'all are disgusting," Teh huffed, making a 'gag me' motion. "Time and I will leave you be to go get a room, I want some snacks,"

Kinn nodded, using his hand that was holding a glass of champagne to wave them off.

Then, he turned his attention to Porsche.

"Should we?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, with an odd expression that Porsche couldn't quite recognize on his face.

"Should we what?" He glanced to the side and saw someone staring at them, so he hastily added, "Darling," To the end, with a warm smile.

Kinn leaned in, like the devil whispering in his ear, and murmured,

"Get a room."

Porsche immediately leaned back, as far as he could go with Kinn's hand on his ass, and smacked Kinn on the arm.

"Asshole!" He hissed, under his breath.

Kinn laughed, soft, and little breathy, and Porsche had to purse his lips to hide a smile.

He'd never seen Kinn this unrestrained, especially not in public.

Even if he didn't like it, maybe, just maybe, this evening wouldn't be too terrible, if it could keep Kinn smiling like that, keep Kinn laughing like that.


Porsche would still be getting revenge for the hand on his ass though.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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