1 - Whats so good about New York?

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The streets were crowded with cars, people in long coats rushing to different buildings. Rain pattered on the tall apartment windows. "God when did these get so heavy." Alice said with a groan of annoyance as she lifted the cardboard box filled to the brim with books. She stepped into the room and dumped the box from her arms. "So many boxes when the hell did I have so much stuff?!" She questioned as she dropped her head back and slowly walked back to the piles of taped up boxes. The slow, agonizing process repeated until finally no boxes remained. Shutting and locking the door, she yawned and ran over to the bed. Jetlag hits hard, but so does the excruciating hunger that stabbed at the girls stomach. As she nearly was asleep, an abrupt and loud knock was a bit too audible from her door. She slowly got up with a stretch and a groan to answer the door. "Yes?" The girl asked, lifting her head up to see the tall figure at the doorway. "Hey! I saw you just moved in. Sorry
I need to get to the point— uhm anyways, I just wanted to say welcome here! I'm Noah by the way!" The blonde guy said, stumbling on his words. The girl took a minute to process everything he said before answering. "Thank you! I'm Alice!" She said quickly with a smile, trying to end the conversation. "Anyways, I'll leave you alone now!" The boy said before quickly walking off. She laid on the bed in some sort of indescribable position. Finally dozing off in peace and quiet.
AN: I write such short chapters help 😭

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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