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A/N: Please don't ask why the banner is a cat. Expect a cat to just be there whenever you're reading ! Also, I'll try my best revealing hints of the appearance of Y/N... so forgive me for my effort. I'll probably show an "aesthetic board" for Y/N whenever they achieve human clothes. 

As a knight of Prince Asch, Y/N's sworn pledge was to protect him from any threat possible. Born in the mysterious lands of Daemos, Y/N was taught at birth how to manipulate magic and fight. Y/N saw everything in Black and White; that there was no need to simply "chat" their way through things. Their eyes were focused on the task at hand, this was why Lady Grandma chose to promote Y/N as Asch's "guardian." There was no chance of Y/N ever falling for the prince and forcing advancements on him, which was a plus... 

The sound of foot steps could be heard which reveals a large dark hallway. It could remind you of the medieval times here in the human realm. There Y/N was, standing still before getting on one knee.  

"Lady Grandma." Y/N spoke with a calm tone. 

Her eyes looked down at Y/N sweetly. "Y/N, dear. No need to bow towards me." She grabbed her cane nudging Y/N's shoulder. Y/N let out a silent "ow" before getting up. Their hair falling down back down their shoulders. "Now Tell me Y/N.. what has happened." 

Y/N sighs grabbing out a pocket watch. Their eyes focusing on the silent ticks go by. "Another family of Daemos was found unable to use magic." Y/N glances away to the horrific thought. "It isn't soon until another will use up all of their magic as well." Lady Grandma sighs to herself, she was worried and so was Y/N. Daemos used humans for their source of magic, they haven't realized how overhunting was committed until now.

 "..Lady Grandma, there won't be enough time to tell Prince Rahl about the situation. And if I'm honest, I don't think he'd understand the impact this issue is on our species." 

A disappointed frown could be seen on the elder woman. "Y/N, I have a plan on how we can perhaps find another source of magic." Y/N's eyes widened, "Yes? Lady Grandma, what would that be?" 

She sighed as she signaled Y/N to follow her. They began to walk behind Lady Grandma down the stairs towards what seemed to be a pentacle. 

"Lady Grandma? What.. exactly are you planning?" Their eyes looked around the dark room before suddenly spotting a spell book. Y/N quickly walked towards the book inspecting pages, until a gasp escaped out of them. "You plan on getting—" 

"Yes." Lady Grandma answered Y/N. "I plan on using the last human soul to transfer a group of Daemos to a new realm. In seek for its magic..." Y/N's eyes softened. 

"Who.. is this group of Daemos you plan on sending?" 

A deep voice then spoke, one that was familiar... 

"Asch, Pierce, Noi, Leif, you, and ..." 

Y/N quickly turned around, seeing...  


He nodded his head in satisfaction to your reaction. "The one and only, Y/N. Well done." He walked towards you and Lady Grandma. Y/N smirked. "Rhys, Lady Grandma's soul pupil..." Rhys watched at Y/N's expression changed from smug to shocked. "Wait— what do you mean Leif? And ME?"  Lady Grandma sighed, leaving Rhys to explain. 

"Leif is apart of Asch's royal guard Y/N. Whether you like it or not Y/N." They groan looking away, before their expression relaxes... "My.. apologies, Lady Grandma. Rhys. That was quite foolish of me." 

"It's fine Y/N." Lady Grandma chuckles before stopping. Silence fills the room as Y/N stares at the book. Suddenly, the look away. ".. Why tell us this plan now? Without the others, Lady Grandma?" Her gaze turns back to you. "I trust that the both of you will watch over my grandson... Knowing him, he'll probably do something out of anger. Also for the news of the magic shortage."

 "The Magic Shortage... A horrific thought."  Y/N shivered from the thought. Rhys stood still glancing their way. Y/N coughed a bit, knowing it was a message to get out of their thoughts and listen. Once they showed their full attention towards Lady Grandma, he placed his own attention on Lady Grandma. The both of them then began to listen to Lady Grandma's words about the magic shortage... 

A couple hours later, Y/N chose to take a walk across the castle walls. The midnight sky held many things such as stars, misery, peace.. to them it was mesmerizing. The wind sung to Y/N, their hair danced. Y/N could let down their guard... That was until a white haired male teleported behind Y/N quickly; attempting to jab them with one of their sickles. 


They suddenly held out their own dagger out, blocking his attack. Amused. He placed his sickle back into his inventory. "Y/N! Walking up on these, Oh so MAJESTIC walls—" Y/N interrupted him, "Leif  when will you ever learn not to do that. — What are you even doing here?" He chuckled mischievously leaning against the stone block. "I'm here to see you, Y/N." 

They rolled their eyes, "As always... You do understand you're not allowed in the palace walls, right?" Leif shrugged. "Well I'm not in the castle, aren't I?" They couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, until Y/N returned to their stoic expression. "Leif, you can't possibly keep doing this.. It's going to be a pain on your magic and..." 

He looks away to the reminder. "The Magic Shortage. I know." There was an awkward silence between the two of them. Before Leif chose to speak again, "Lady Grandma has a plan for us! Taking out the last source of magic. To a portal— do you get how intriguing that is?" Y/N only nods sadly. "Rhys has chosen to tell you and the others, right?" He nods his head once towards them. 

"Conquering a new world, for magic... Imagine all the humans we can bring back and kill. A world of danger Y/N." They sigh forcing some common sense towards Leif. "Leif, humans here are weak. I don't get where you find "danger"  from..." 

Leif rolls their own eyes with irritation. "See, that's the problem with your thinking sometimes. I get using common sense helps, but it's boring." A glare suddenly met Leif's eyes. 

"Common sense may be boring, but it keeps you from getting killed. You should know that best Mr. Assassin." 

Leif groaned. "You're something else Y/N..." They looked away from him, "Get some rest while you can. In a couple weeks the mission will be initiated. Get your attitude and thoughts together, and maybe it'll succeed." He shrugged again, before standing on the stone block. 

"Fine, fine... I'll get myself some rest. You too as well Y/N! Just because you're the closest guard to that rich spoiled brat, doesn't mean for you to ignore your own needs." Y/N smirks looking up at Leif. 

"Smart words for a dumb assassin. Also— keep your mouth shut about the prince. You know how he is..." He chuckles again. Before he suddenly falls back from the stone block; Y/N quickly running checking what has happened... they came to a conclusion Leif teleported away during the fall. 

"..Silly Daemos, you." Y/N whispered as they continued to admire the stars in the sky. A moment of peace before something terrible happens. 

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