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Esther's pov

2019, before covid pandemic

school corridor 

start of a new session. 

First day of school after our annual exams and a big holiday was, honestly, not that great. Again the same overcrowded corridors, class of sweaty and horny teenagers, teachers who don't want to work overtime and the same shit being repeated everyday did not bother me anymore. The only thing that excited me and probably was the reason that I came to school was my French class. All the students had to choose an extra class and I happened to choose French. So after a long tiring day, I was heading to my last class which I hoped would go well

As i strolled up the stairs and entered the required class, I was relived to see that not many people had chosen that class. If you are confused, let me clarify that I'm the biggest introvert you'll find in this school and I will be more than glad if I can attend a class without being in a room filled with teenagers who think they are too cool for the rest of the world.

The teacher came in a few minutes late and was just starting to give an introduction when, came bursting through the door, a sweaty, breathless and a quite beautiful girl.

"Sorry sir I am a bit late", said the girl

It was obvious she had run a long distance and a lot of stairs to reach the classroom as she was still breathing heavily.

"It's okay for today but make sure to come in time for the next class", replied the teacher.

She heaved a sigh of relief and went to sit with her friends at the bench which was, unfortunately or maybe fortunately, just in front of me.

The teacher started teaching but I couldn't focus on anything but her. She sat with her friends and at a glance it would seem like she had company and all, but to me it was clear she was lonely. She wasn't talking to them and wasn't even looking at them at all. I wanted to talk to her but my timid nature wouldn't allow that. 

She might have noticed my stare because she turned back and gave me a smile.

I smiled back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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