part 2

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Mary's POV

today when i was at dance we repeat concert dance... then teachers gave us dance hats... and I and my friends took lots of selfies. . Suddenly I took funny photo of alex... when I let him a look, he asked me for delete this picture. I rejected it... then alex came near me and whispered "if you do, we can take better pictures together next time..." I blushed and turned around for hide my shock... "What? tomorrow we'll take our first picture together..."I was so excited...

next day at dance

I charged my phone fully and I went at stadium with girls... Suddenly alex appeared and told us "wanna play? if you can get a ball you'll win. all of you vs. me Okey? " "yep " said girls but I was so lazy and I didn't played a lot... but after 10 min. I was in game too. alex was so good at football... I was surprised... we have fun... but we lated at dance.

when we repeat concert dance. there was solo... and I started to repeat it. unfortunately me and Luka started dance in one time... I didn't know that he was my partner and I began solo... Alex was behind me and we danced same rithm... then music stopped and everyone was stared us... I didn't notice alex or someone before I finished dance.. . everyone was clapping... then my friend whispered "they're suiting each other..." I was blushed. after this we went home quickly and we didn't take a single picture... I was sad but then I thought " why am I so sad? he is older than me... it was just a promise. ..i'm not his girlfriend...I shouldn't have to worry about it... and he should have a girlfriend... waaah! but my heart is broken! >.< "

in love with dance friendWhere stories live. Discover now