4. CHS Problems

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At CHS High

Fluttershy: what's going on 

Pinkie: omg it's an alternate dimension

Rainbow Dash: That's awesome except for the fact everything's collapsing 

Sunset: Princess twilights says it's no time coming from her dimension it's from another dimension

Rarity: should be go in

Applejack: it might be the only way sugarcube

Humane 7: Pony up

They transform into crystal warrior hinges 

Sunset: let's go 

Watch out you 7 

Humane7: Aaaaaaah


???: I'm Be-


???: for the love of mr smoothies

Humane 7: where are we

Robin: were all stuck in some sort of jail  

Pinkie: wow you all must be heros from other dimensions

Robin: I'm the leader of the teen titans

Bloom: I'm the leader of the winx club

Humane 7: were the rain booms 

Pinkie Pie: and what about you mister

Ben: now can I finally feel who I a man is there anyone else who wants to fall though no ok my name is Ben Tennyson

Robin: so we're all teams why don't you have one

Ben: I work alone or sometimes with my sidekick rook I'm a part of the international space police called the plummers 

Pinkie: so you fix toilets

Ben: why does everyone think that we fix toilets

Musa: mabye because it sounds like this

Raven: okay so now that introductions are out of the way we need to get out of here

Ben: we have no idea what we're dealing with except that we all are here in this prison thing

Stella: this place really needs some light she makes light appear. That's better

Raven: wow whoever decided to trap us made a huge prison 

Robin: then let's bust out

Ben: no good already tried it while everyone was falling

Robin: you were here before us

Bloom: yes he was here when we fell through

Beast Boy: are you sure dude let me try he transforms into a rhino and bangs his head against the bars. Ow

Ben: told you 

Kid Flash: so what all powers does everyone have

Rain booms: we have the magic of friendship

Robin: cyborg has robot powers raven has dark magic Starfire has energy bolts beast can shapeshifte into any animal kid Flash has speed and jinx had good luck magic and I. Have um I guess strong moves.

Winx club: we are fairies 

Starfire: what about you Ben 

Ben: this isn't the omnitrix it lets me transform into 1Million alien species 

Robin: show us then

Ben: if you say so he hits the omnitrix and becomes heatblast

Heatblast: that hot enough for ya

Rainbow Dash: Awsome

Bloom: wow you can transform at any time

Heatblast: only to defeat villains 

Robin: it's cool and all but we're still stuck here

???: and you will be forever

Heatblast: Vilgax I knew it so this was your plan trap us you realise we can break out easily right.

???: that's where you are wrong

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