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"Have you heard? There's a new kid that will be living here today."

"Who told you that?"

"No one. I just overheard from Madam's Rosy Office."

"Do you know if they're a boy or a girl?"

"I heard that it'll be a boy!"

"Really?!! I hope he's cute then."

There were three girls were sitting on a wooden bench near the slides and they were talking about the new kid. They were giggling and laughing at each other as they discussed him. She wanted to join them. She wanted to laugh with them. And maybe become their friend too?

But she knew it was impossible. Because she was a freak. And nobody likes a freak.

"Shh! She's staring at us. Quick! Look away before you became crazy, as Lissie does!" One of them said.

Immediately, she dropped her gaze down. She stared at the ground, pretending she didn't hear them insulting her as she swung on the swing. Even though they aren't her friends, hearing them talk badly about her hurts.

And Lissie? She remembered that kid. She was very annoying. She thought she was a friend at first because the girl willingly approached her lonely self, but after knowing her intention, she avoided her. That Lissie wanted to bully her because she thought it would look cool to others.

What a conniving little pr*ck.

But Lissie didn't leave her. She got even worse. Since being friendly isn't working for the lonely girl, Lissie thought that showing her true intentions would make things easier on her. She started bullying her.

She tried avoiding the Lissie. She swore. But one afternoon, when she saw the girl in her room, with her clothes and books in ruins and disarray, she had had enough. She made her see her monsters.

Six years passed, and with all those bullying, she finally left that blasted orphanage. Now, she was living in a crappy apartment that had cost her almost every penny she saved. She had no job either. And she has no idea where she'll go. Even if she wanted to attend college, she couldn't. It seemed like that plan wasn't happening anytime soon.

She was on her way back to her humble home after giving her resume to who knows how many stores and shops. She hoped at least one of them consider taking her in.

Passing by an alley, her feet slid to a halt when she heard laughter. Not a happy laughter, but a cruel and twisted one. Her insides twisted when she heard someone begging for them to release them. By the sound of the pleading, it was a woman.

She knew she shouldn't interfere with someone's business because she might get hurt herself, but what's the use of these strange abilities if she didn't use them? Besides, she needs to use them from time to time because they keep getting harder to control. The more she suppresses, the more it was begging to be let out.

𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚, 𝘛𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘺 𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now