Welcome to the Multiversal-Theater

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Currently, the Main Character of the Universe was seen, sitting in his Room, doing Homework and thinking about how he could become a Hero, while being Quirkless, as he was suddenly engulfed by Light

A while later, he woke up and saw a few People he knows and a few he doesn't know, he watched and saw Bakugou wake up and start yelling, as he watched a Figure walk by, who then knocked Bakugou out, with others waking up thanks to him

"Hello Mortals and Welcome to my Theater of the MULTIVERSE" the Man said, looking like a Universe in Person, with a Armor on

"Hello Mortals and Welcome to my Theater of the MULTIVERSE" the Man said, looking like a Universe in Person, with a Armor on

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(Imagine every White Part, Purple and a more thin Design, like AF and UA Alien X)

"I am known as X" he said, as the Heroes went on the Defensive (who gets the Name)

"No need to Worry, I am only a Divine being, that watched your Universe and took interest in the most Heroic Heart there is" X said, as Bakugou woke up, hearing this, some people saying All Might, as they saw him there too

"SO YOU TOOK INTEREST IN ME, MR. GOD? OFCOURSE YOU WOULD, I'M THE BEST" Katsuki yelled, as some People looked at him weirdly, while X shook his Head and started to Chuckle

"WHAT'S SO FUNNY HUH?" he continued yelling, as X looked at him

"You think you are the Nexus? Nice one, you are too Impure of Heart" X said, as Bakugou growled

"The Nexus, aka the Person who the Universe revolves around, is .... Izuku Midoriya" X said, as those who didn't knew him looked Confused, meanwhile those who knew him, sadly the Aldera assholes, started laughing

"THAT QUIRKLESS WANNABE HERO" and other Insults came, as Izuku slightly teared up

"SILENCE" X yelled, as everyone was quiet and looked scared of the Aura around X

'Great another Kid who wants to marry my Beloved Daughter' Mr. Yaoyorozu said, as he looked away annoyed

"Anyways, has anyone ever heard about the Nimbus Cloud?" X asked, as only a few raised their hands, Momo Yaoyorozu, Izuku Midoriya, Bakugou Katsuki, who's Mother was yelling at him to not yell and call her Old Hag, Nezu and Shota Aizawa

"That Children's Fairy Tale isn't real tho" Bakugou said, as suddenly a Yellow Cloud appeared and everyone was shocked

"Hey there Nimbus" X said, as Izuku took out his Notebook and wrote inside

"Izuku Midoriya is so Pure of Heart, he can actually Ride it" X said, as Nimbus went over to Izuku, who wanted to test it, getting on Nimbus and starting to Levitate, as Bakugou looked Pissed, with few People looking shocked and surprised

"Ok now only need to bring them in" X said, as he snapped his fingers and Overhaul and his Crew appeared, with Eri appearing next to X, looking scared

"Shhh it's ok, small one, you are Safe now" X said, as Overhaul rushed and tried to use his Quirk, realizing that it didn't Work, as most realized that

"You dare attack a God?" X said, clearly angry, as he locked him and his Gang up into a Cage

Eri started to Cry and thank X, who simply hugged the Child, while Overhaul and his Gang suddenly muted

"Ok Eri, I want you to sit next to him" X said, pointing to Izuku

"Why?" She asked, as she didn't want to Leave X, hugging his Legs

"You'll see" X said, as Izuku landed next to her, Eri hiding behind X's Legs, looking at Izuku shyly, as he smiled at her and got on his Knees, meanwhile Momo Yaoyorozu watched, as she blushed a bit, her Dad, realizing this and looking in utter Comedy Shock

"You'll see" X said, as Izuku landed next to her, Eri hiding behind X's Legs, looking at Izuku shyly, as he smiled at her and got on his Knees, meanwhile Momo Yaoyorozu watched, as she blushed a bit, her Dad, realizing this and looking in utter Co...

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'NOOOO MY ANGEL' he thought, tears streaming down his Face, as Ms. Yaoyorozu chuckled

'He is able to Ride the Nimbus, meaning he is Pure of Heart, he is also Cute, if he really is not like other Boys, then I'll talk to him' Momo thought, as she smiled and started looking at the Screen

Everyone else, besides the asses, got a few Answers and Eri gave Izuku her Hand, as their Hands touched, they got a small electric shock

Eri then started hugging him, as he hugged her too, lifting her up and walking over to his Mother

"Oh, so she trusts you?" Inko asked, as she looked at Eri, who looked back

"You are ... Onii-chan's ... Mama? Thus also my Mama?" Eri asked, as a few heard this, as Izuku blushed in Shock, while a few of his Ex-Classmates didn't like this

"I have yet another Beautiful Child" Inko said, as she grabbed and Hugged Eri, who was surprised at the Affection, with Inko Loving Eri alot

"Ok so first Universe, Bakugou has a Younger Sister, named Klee, 7 years old, her Quirk let's her save the Heat she creates into little Shells, making Bombs" X said, as the Bakugou's looked Surprised, Katsuki being annoyed

"Oh God a Annyoing little Sister, peh" he said, looking annoyed

"Oh also she prefers Izuku, as Katsuki is alwqys Mean to her, taking her stuff and Bullying her" X said, as Bakugou started yelling in Anger, as he suddenly was Muted

"Also Izuku takes care of her, since the Bakugou's had a Car Accident" X said, as everyone was shocked, Katsuki complaining

Ok, everyone, here we Go, new Story, but this Time the Past reacting, yes Izuku and Eri already have a Connection and yes Klee, because she is Adorable and I like Genshin characters, especially Klee

Past MHA react to the Multiverse (Break)Where stories live. Discover now