1.0 Chapter 7: A talk with the Chat

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Sorry for not publishing a lot here. But I'm in the mood now and I've been trying to come up with stuff. The storyline is still the same and pls keep reading and comment. Thank you!


Mari's POV

Alya has been a great secret keeper and Chat is still being a little angry about it. But I'm sure I'll talk to him in no time.

It was kinda weird that he came to me for advice for the ladybug. But I'm sure it was nothing too serious. Like perhaps my identity.

I'm in school and I'm staring at Adrien. Oh his beautiful green eyes.

"Miss. Bustier! Marinette isnt paying attention and you know my dylexic temperal eyesight. I can't pay attention!" Lila says.
"Marinette, pay attention. Lila maybe you want a better view from up here. Please come sit with Chloe. As she's not here." Lila winked before moving up with a innocent face.

I rolled my eyes.

She's such a snob.

Class finishes up just as fast and Tikki gets a little hungry and her hunger is somewhat cute. I give her a cookie and walk past Lila and Chloe before reaching where Alya, Nino, Ivan and Meline are sitting.
"Hello." I greet them.
"Hey, Mari! I've got a new vid for the blog. I've gotta do it. Will you help me?" Alya asked.
"Of course...is this got to do with the project?" I asked.
"Somewhat yes...got a interview in with Ladybug! It's gonna be huge. And proof too!"
"Whoa, really?" Meline asked.
"Yup! It's great!"

After school finished up I went to Alya's house to plan how I was gonna start up a interview.
"Just come right after I fight someone so it's not too bold." I said.
"Got it! Got it! I'm so excited! This is gonna be great, Marinette!" She squeals. I smile at her excited form when I get a text from mom.

Mom: be home soon, alright honey?
Me: yes mom! Don't worry!

"Gotta ask you all the questions. Don't worry I'll keep the intarage up that I've got no idea who you really are..."

But the thing was it had been quiet for three whole days. Not one attack. And the roles Chat and I had taken up we're not mildly taking to eachother at all.

Chat would wait and I'd be there. We'd say our hi's and go. Patrols were getting less and less fun now days.

"Chat! Talk to me! Please!"
But he'd never answer.

Then one night did the difference.

Chat talked. But not to me. Or not to Ladybug. But to Marinette Dupain-Chang.

"Hey, Marinette." He says. I was in the balcony when he jumped up behind me. Tikki hid right away.
"Oh! Hi! Chat Noir!" I said, with a smile on my face.
"Hi...can we talk? Are you free?" He asked.
"Of course. What do you want to talk about?" I asked.
"Tell me, if I wanted to talk to M'lady by telling her I want to tell one of my friends as well...what would she think?" He asked.
"I-i don't know. But she might be...uhm not okay with it...aren't you not supposed to tell your identity?" I asked.
"But...she did tell someone. What then?" Chat asked.
"Chat, I don't think everyone has the privilege to have the opportunity to be Ladybug. She's got a huge job. And the better for her and you that barely anyone knows our identity. Maybe someone you really trust."
"Like my parents?" He asked.
"I don't think...that would work. They'd be worried sick about you."
"Maybe...do you think she'll hate me if I did?" Chat asked.
"I don't think so, Chat Noir. She could never hate you." I said. And it was the truth. I could never hate him.

His face changed and he smiled.
"Why do you ask me for advice?" I asked.
He looked at me with his cat eyes.
"You give amazing advice, Marinette. And I need great advice right now. Thank you again!" And then he leaps away.
Great advice. Why? He told LB to never give up. Why is he?

Or is he? I can't stop but think. Is Chat giving up on Ladybug?

"Tikki...do you think Chat is giving up on Ladybug?" I asked.
"I don't think that Chat can, Marinette. Why?" Tikki asks.
"Oh...no reason. Don't worry about it." I say, my cheeks getting heated up.
The other kwami's come and "Awww!" Come out of their mouths.
"What?" I asked.
"You have a crush on our Chat!" They say together.
"Oh-no-no I think-don't have a crush on the Chat! No!"
"Marinette, it's okay to like two people. I've read-"
And I close my eyes. I can't have a crush on Chat. No! Just no! I like Luka...and I really really like like Adrien. Not Chat! No! Just No!

Sleep overtakes me that night and my dreams are nothing but weird. Adrien, Luka, Tikki and Chat roam around in the night as Tikki asks me choose. Choose who will be with you. Choose.

I wake up with sweat sticking to my skin like a blanket.
"The worst dream ever!" I said. Insane dream. My mind is going beserk.

I get ready for school straightaway and reach on time to school. But before that happens. The school gets attacked.
"Liars! All of them! Come out come out wherever you are! I'm the Seeker and I won't let go! HAHAHA!"
It's...Kagami who got Akumatized.
"T-the Seeker?!" I asked as I turned around.
"Hello, Marinette! Who have you been lying to? The Seeker must find it's hider! Lies shall be weekend and you shall be finished of all lies. Tell your truths and shall the lies set you free!"
She had red eyed with a black suit with a wand that was all black. As she touched her wand to the wall the wall turned black and the whole school was now black.
Black walls and desks and doors.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"I'm going to keep all my liars in this school. Where a simple lie can become my power!" She growls as she flies above to the second floor.
"I'm the Seeker and I'm here for all the hiders the liars and the power!"
I'm stuck.

That's for sure.
"Marinette, we need to transform!" Tikki whispers.
"I know...but we need to find an escape first. Like this Shadowmoth knows who is inside the building. He can guess my identity. Let's hope Chat can get through somehow!"
I run across to the restrooms that are all in the goop of the Seeker.
"POWER!" I hear the Seeker scream.
"What do we do?"
"How many lies have you told, Marinette?" Tikki asks.
"Enough. Enough to know I can't be touched by her wand."
"Let's see, if Chat can get through, he can-"
"We don't have time. I'm calling Alya!"
"Tikki, SPOTS ON!" I say. "Ah!"
The red flows down transforming me.
"Now what! Right, Alya! Then Chat!" I call Alya first.
"Alya, there is an Akumatized victim. We need to protect Paris from outside but I'm stuck in the school where the Seeker is! Get the Miraclouses and you know the rest."
"Got it!"
I'm never coming to school on time again!
"Chat? Oh! Voicemail! Chat I need you in the High School where a girl is trapped. I'll meet you there , but I'll be late. Just find an entry point into the school and rest will be left to me, Kitty. Get here soon!"
I turn to the door. The doorknob was moving.
"Spots off!" I whispered.
"I'm the Seeker!"

Next chapter is out!

Happy readings!

Pound it M'Lady🐞
Pound it M'Kitty😻

Pound it👊

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