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'What do you mean by that?' Jungkook asked.

'Well....Onnie had a best friend. It was in her high school I guess when her best friend's crush proposed onnie but onnje rejected him since she didn't liked him and also she knew about her best friend's feelings for that boy. But...her best friend saw this and from the next day she started to bully onnie. Onnie at first thought that it would be over soon and her best friend will apologize but she never did. In fact she hurted onnie in many ways. She made some goons try to misbehave with onnie. She also used her dad's position and did other bad things to onnie. Once onnie came home beaten up and she was sick for the whole week. Her best friend also made sure to scare onnie to death. That's why mom or dad never talked about her best friend. I heard this when onnie once was beaten to death. I forced my mom and dad to speak. They eventually told me everything and requested me not to bring this topic in front of onnie. Other than this, onnie was having a......uhh....g-good life....' Ara murmured the last part but both Jungkook and his mom heard it.

'Thanks for sharing it Ara.' Jungkook said as Ara replied a small welcome.
'What are you doing here Jimin hyung?' Jungkook asked.

'Oh, actually I was visiting Y/N. Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung have also came with me. There are in the canteen to get some iced americano. Jung hyun hyung is in the washroom.' Jimin replied.

'Oh. Did the doctor came to check on her?' Jungkook asked.

'Yes. The doctors came and checked her. They said, she......... uhh..'

'What she hyung? What did he said?' Jungkook asked impatiently.

'He said that she was good at first but now suddenly her vitals are not good enough.'

All of them looked at Jung hyun who just entered the room and said.

'Oppa! Onnie will be okay right? Nothing will happen with this right?' Ara said as she walked towards Jung hyun.

'Don't worry. Your onnie is strong Ara. Go and sit beside her okay?' Jung hyun said as he patted her head to comfort her.

Ara sat beside Y/N as she sighed and looked at her pale face. Jung hyung took Jungkook far away so that Ara won't listen to them. Jimin was also standing there.

'She was all good. But day by day it seems like her heart beat is also going slow. More slow than a person should have while he is in coma. It is bad Jungkook. One of the nurse said that maybe the medicines aren't working on her. Or.......'

'Or what hyung?'

'Or she is getting wrong medicines.' Jimin completed on the behalf of Jung hyun.

'W-what? But....but who would do that? Why would he do that? There is no reason!' Jungkook cried.

'I kn-'

'We are here! We also bought iced americano for Jungkook and Ara!' Namjoon spoke as he and Yoongi entered the room. Jungkook's mother came last with hers one. She gave Jung hyun the tiffin box and told him to eat.


'Yes Jung hyung?'

'Can you take Ara and walk in the garden for a little? She doesn't looks good.'

'Oh. But how about Y/N?'

'I am here. Jungkook is here. Namjoon, Yoongi hyung and Jimin is also here. Don't worry.'

'Hyung, why did you send them off?' Jungkook asked.

'I know it is crazy but guy don't let omma know about this. She will be sick if she knows about it!' Jung hyun said.

'I also agree. Let's just see her condition more, then tell your parents about her condition.' Yoongi suggested.

'I also agree.' Namjoon said.

'But won't it be wrong not to let them know about their daughter?' Jimin asked.

'Even if it is, we can't let them know for their own health. Unless you want their health to be in danger.' Yoongi said as he put his hand in Jimin's shoulder.

'Thanks guys.' Jung hyun sighed.

'Where is the previous guy?'

'He is dealing another customer.'

'Did you bring the right one?'


'But why is this purple?'

'It is new one. It also one of the strongest drugs.'

'Okay. How much?'

'50,000 won.'

'Isn't it too much?'

'You should look at the quality mam.'

'Fine. Here take the money. Don't look for me again. We don't know each other from now on. If I get in trouble....you know the rest.'

'Don't worry mam. I won't cross my path with you ever again.'

The guy walked away as the girl looked at the drug in her hand.

'This is it. It's the last one. Then you will be finished Jeon Y/N....I don't know how you always get whatever I want! You....you got my crush, now you will snatch my Jungkook from me? That won't happen. And I know you faked the DNA only to get yourself my kookie's money! How shameless you are to make Jin oppa and Yoongi oppa fight over you? You only proved that you are nothing but a s*ut! I....Anna stark.....will finish you tonigh!' Anna said as she looked at the drug.
'Are you staying here?' Jungkook asked.

'Yes. Hyejin has work tonight and I am free plus alone. So I will stay with Y/N. You go and get some rest. You guys also have an interview tomorrow right?'

'Yes. How do you know?'

'Jimin told me.'

'Oh okay then. I will get going now. Bye.' Jungkook said before walking away after taking a glance at his twin.

Jung hyun made his bed in the couch and sat down on the couch with a book. He took a can of coca-cola and started to drink it while reading the book.
'Mam..Her brother Jeon Jung hyun is here! What we will do now?'

'First of all....He is not her fu*king brother! And second let's for a few moments to let him get tired and fell asleep. Then we will do our work. We can't delay. We have to do it tonight!'

To be continued .......

T𝕙𝕖 Jeon Ƭwιɴs |𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ 🄰🅄 ft. 𝔹𝕋𝕊|Where stories live. Discover now