Chapter 1 The flying car

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My eyes opened to the hell I expected but hoped wouldn't be there. I sit up, forgetting there wasn't enough space, and hit my head on the low ceiling of the small closet. No matter how long I've lived here, I always forget the diminutive size. It's actually funny in a morbid kinda way. What a good way to start the day, I can just feel today is going to be great, I think as a big mocking smile crosses my face. As the sleep haze leaves my head, I realize the reason for my awakening is my aunt's incessant banging, who needs an alarm, not me. At least I get to leave my closet instead of sleeping in that extra half an hour and making them breakfast, yay, another day of being their little worker. At least it's a school day, I may go to the same school as my cousin, but we don't share a single class, any time away from them is a blessing. You know what, today might actually be a good day, I think as slip on my clothes for the day and exit my "room". My lovely aunt decided to greet me today with a

"Took you long enough."

Oh, good morning to you too,

"sorry aunt petunia."

I cook every morning, clean every day, and maintain the garden she is so proud of. I never get a thank-you, but I guess it's the price to live here rent-free, I'm so out of here when I turn eighteen, not that I think I'm welcomed here past then. I serve up their breakfast and grab a banana on my way out because it's not like I can eat with them. I'm also not getting a drive, if I want to be on time, gotta leave now. As I walk the same path I walk almost every day and see the people whose routine never changes, just like me. I think will I ever change or is this going to be what my life like, this mundane routine that never changes, The same thing every day. You know what, it's fine as long as it doesn't involve them, my lovely family. After my half-hour journey, I see my school and hear the bell, time to run if I want to be on time, guess I walked slower than normal.

I'm in my last class of the listening to the teacher drone on about something to do with the floor being an effect of the aftermath of post world war Russia. I can't quite bring myself to pay attention, so I turn to the window, looking at the trees sway. As I continue to look, I see a car almost hit a tree, which wouldn't be weird except for the fact that in was in the air. Now this made me sit up and really look, did I just see a flying car. I look from the window to the teacher and back,

"what the fuck."

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