hp time travel

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isclaimer: Not mine, though maybe you can find it on eBay perhaps?

A/N: Hello hello everyone! Let me start off by saying hi to my old readers, and welcome to my new ones! Now let me move on to say this will be a Hermione/Fred story. Quite different from my last two stories, which were HG/SS and HG/SS with HG/PW elements, and not the GW/SS story I thought I'd be doing. Anyways, this should be fun though- really light-hearted, a bit fluffable, and hopefully humorous too! Anyways, the basic plot is that Hermione and Fred go back in time to the Marauder's era. Basically, hilarity ensues when Fred makes up their cover story. Also, I'm kinda ignoring book six, so I guess this is technically AU. So now, onto the chapter!

I Love You Means Having to Time-Travel

Chapter One: In Which it Begins

"Some of the worst things have been done with the best intentions." - Jurassic Park III

"Hermione, owl for you!" Helen Granger called up the stairs as an excitable brown owl fluttered around the kitchen.

"Coming Mum," Hermione yelled back, and dashed down the stairs and into the kitchen. "PIG! Settle down this instant!"

Pig immediately flew over to her, though his definition of settling down was much different than hers was. He continued to fidget and just be difficult while Hermione untied the small package from his leg. With a hoot, he flew over to the door and promptly hit the glass before Helen had a chance to open it again. Shaking himself, he hooted once more, and flew out the now-open door.

"Crazy bird," Hermione muttered affectionately as she opened the box. She pulled out a small jar holding what she recognized to be floo powder. Raising an eyebrow quizzically, she turned to the letter, reading it aloud for her mother's benefit. "Dear Mione, how are you? Hope your summer's good. Things have been crazy here! Everyone's here since Dumbledore wants everyone nearby to continue training Harry. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone! Mum, Dad, Bill, Fleur, Charlie, the twins, Ginny, Harry, Tonks, Remus, Moody, and Snape are here full time. Others seem to be flooing in and out continuously though. Gets a bit annoying really. But anyways, Mum talked to Dumbledore, and I got the okay to have you come over for Harry's party tonight, and then stay for the rest of the summer. If you can, just floo on over once you've packed and whatnot. Dad had your fireplace hooked up to the floo network for the day. See you soon hopefully, but if you can't, then just fire-call and let us know. Someone'll be around. Your friend, Ron."

"Well, I guess this means you had better get packing," Helen commented.

"I can go!" Hermione turned to look at her mum excitedly.

"Of course," Helen smiled. "As if I'd dream of keeping you apart from your friends. I know how worried you've been about them."

"Oh thank you Mum!"

Hermione quickly hugged her mum and ran upstairs to pack. It was true, she had been worried. The final battle was fast approaching, and Hermione had been quite worried about Harry. She knew he had to be ready to defeat Voldemort, but she also though he should be able to enjoy the summer a bit before they started their seventh and final year at school. But no one seemed to care what she thought, including Harry. He had been quite happy to leave the Dursley's after a week and move to Grimmauld place to begin undergoing training from various Order members.

"Pack!" Hermione directed with a wave, and not five minutes later, all her clothes, books, and school supplies were packed in her trunk. Being seventeen and a legal adult in the wizarding world definitely had some advantages.

"Are you off now then?" Helen questioned as Hermione came back downstairs, her trunk preceding her.

"Yeah. Give my love to dad. I'll send a letter in a few days to let you know how everything's going."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2009 ⏰

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