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A very long time ago, there used to be a little girl with hair as bright as starlight and a heart full of dreams. She was born to a loving mother, a proud brother and an ungrateful father. The reason he resented his daughter was a tale as old as time: she, like so many were born before her, was not a male. And however extraordinary her powers would come to grow, it did not matter, for she would not be allowed to use them. But the girl did not care, for she was young and happy with her brother and mother. She grew up in a palace on a mountaintop and she did what all children her age did; she played, she laughed, she read, she cried and she threw tantrums every now and again. She was careful not to cross paths with her father to often, because he always found a way to criticize her, and, on the rare occasion that she made the mistake of showing the powers she sometimes found difficult to control, the punishments left her mind scarred for non to see.   

When the girl grew older, the two people she cared about most left, and even though they did not want to leave her behind all alone, that is exactly what happened. And so, the once happy girl grew quiet. She read books about people in far away lands, people who had the freedom to do as they choose. The story's made the girl feel less alone, and so she read, and read, and read, and she dreamed. During those years, there were moments were she could feel the powers inside of her, but, to scared of her fathers punishments, she pushed those powers down down down, until she, like most people, almost forgot that they had ever been there in the first place.  

The girl grew older, and with time came the understanding that she, like her brother, had the ability to grow wings. She was sure that both her mother and brother would be happy for her, and they would not hesitate a second before offering her to teach her how to fly. But, they rarely came back to the mountain palace to visit her, and even though they were still the people the girl loved the most, she did not want to relay on anyone ever again, for she had build a wall around her heart, and no one would be allowed to break it down. So, she taught herself how to use the powerful wings that she had been given. She taught herself how to fight by spying on those who resided under the mountain palace, always carful not to be caught. 

Years later, when the girl was just over 19 years old, war came. Her fathers word was law, and so, she had been forbidden to speak to her mother and brother, as they had been forbidden from speaking to her ever again when they left all those years ago. She had been concealed from anyone but her father for almost 15 years, and when she overheard those under the mountain talking about the war and that her brother was to lead a legion into battle, the girl decided it was time for her to leave the palace that had been her home and comfort for all these years. 

Of course, it was not easy for someone as unfamiliar with the world around them as her to navigate its nature and people, but still, she found her way to the front. The gore, blood and death around the girl did not scare her, and she made her way across those battle grounds in search of her brother. After three days of wandering through the muck, she got caught in a battle. She knew how to fight which is how she stayed alive during those first few hours, but as time wore on, she grew tiered, and she knew that it would not end well for her if the fighting went on for much longer. She felt someone at her back, and knew that her time had run out. But, when she turned around, there was a male, with wings like hers and shadows darker than the night and he drove a dagger into the heart of the male who had been about to take her head of. The male in shadow looked at her with his dark blue eyes, took her in his arms, and together they vanished into shadows. 

When they appeared again, they were on the out skirts of another battle raging before them. When he looked at her and asked her name, the girl felt the walls around her heart begin to crumble, and so she told him her name. When his shadows wrapped around her, and he gave her his name, she felled those walls break even more. For reasons that she did not yet understand, she allowed the male to hold her tight, and the girl felt loved again for the time in years. They both felt something snap in to place, like a golden threat between their hearts, and she smiled. Before either had a chance to speak, the whole battle ground shook, and she could feel the powers that belonged to her brother everywhere. She could feel his pain and anguish, as could everyone else on that battle ground. She looked at the male who had made those cracks in the walls around her heart in a matter of seconds, and the girl knew she had to leave. She made him a promise, and the male engulfed in shadows looked at her questionably, and before he had a chance to ask her, stop her, do anything, the wings on her back appeared and she shot into the sky. 

From above, the girl saw her brother, hurt and in pain, about to be overcome by powers neither of them could describe, coming from a man who looked older the the world itself. She knew her brother was about to die, as was every other person on this continent, as was the male whom her heart now belonged to. So, the girl dove down, screaming, tears rolling over her cheeks, and she called to that almost forgotten part of her, brighter than any starlight, stronger than any star, and she directed it all at that man who was about to kill so many. She stuck true.

When the light faded, there was nothing left of the man. And the girl. The violet eyed winged male stared at the spot where the girl had struck the earth with her powers and he knew who it had been. A male with shadows all around him approached the spot where she had landed, and he tolled his friend, his brother, what had happened. He told him of the promise the girl had made, a promise she had broken. Because both winged males knew the truth: the girl with heart as bright as starlight and a scarred heart full of dreams was dead. 

"I will come back to you Azriel, I promise" 

When the girl woke up, she was alone and in complete darkness, but she was not dead, and she had a promise to keep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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