One Night With You

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Being a member of the royal family meant a lot of things. Being the best in everything, dressing nicely and talking kindly to others in public events. Being powerful, someone who can lead a country if needed. Being confident and determinate, whose orders got done without complaint. It's rather out of fear or respect, but a good leader is always someone, who people choose to follow on their own, who can make hard decisions if needed.

Being a leader of a country came with responsibility and if this person wasn't committed enough, then it wouldn't work in the end. Nothing could be done right by someone inexperienced and uncommitted, someone who didn't want the title of a leader in the first place.

But the most important thing was if you were to lead a country, to have someone by your side, who would be willing to help you through every hard day, every hard decision and make a better person out of you. Or if you were a woman, someone who would take that responsibility off your shoulders, leading on their own and leaving you to be the supportive wife, who couldn't say anything about the way they were working on such important things, like being a king of a nation and being a public figure, who the citizens either respected or feared.

That is what went through Jinsoul's mind the moment her parents stared at her at the dining table one night after dropping a bomb on her. She wasn't sure if she heard the words right in the first place. They could have said something completely different than what she heard. After all the dining room of the palace was the size of a football pitch.

It was unreasonably big for Jinsoul's liking with a special place in the front that could give a place up to twenty people, only the top tier of the royal family and their closest family members. In front of that table was other, larger ones, that stood empty for the majority of the time, only filled fully, when the king and queen decided to hold a ball when something significant happened, like birthdays of theirs or their children, on Christmas and new year. Other occasions were when Jinsoul's father invited his most trusted friends, who were consisted of the most important men in the country after the royal family.

Other than that, the dining room was left empty, only giving place to three meals of a day for five people. The king, sitting in the middle, looking over the enormous room with his wife on his left. If the room was full of guest, who watched every move of the royal family, than Jinsoul would sit on her father's right with her youngest sister on her other side, while her little brother sat next to their mother.

Now, however, when no one was around to see the family in their raw nature, the king still sat at his usual place with his wife, only the children of the couple was nowhere near them. Jinsoul usually chose the farthest seat possible, preferably close to the entrance of the room, so if it was time she could disappear as fast as she could. Her sister Minjung was seated two seats away from their mother and her youngest brother Jum was sitting just as far from the couple as Jinsoul did, only on the other side of the table.

It started off like every dinner they had together. The younger ones of the family arrived at time, 7pm sharp, their mother already discussing something with the chef in the kitchen like she always did, most probably asking what the menu was for the night. Their father, the king liked to be ten minutes late, making everyone wait for him, because they would only serve the food, if he was sitting in his chair.

Jinsoul, knowing his father is always late, attempted to be late one time too, but for her luck the king decided to be on time that one time, giving Jinsoul a scolding right as she entered the room in front of everyone. It wasn't a foreign scene to witness. The king may be the last one to enter the room, that was a rule everyone knew and breaking it came with consequences.

Even if Jinsoul was a princess, the first in line for the throne, she wasn't treated differently than anyone else if she broke her father's rules along with her siblings. The king was hard on everyone around them, enjoying the fearful looks on the faces he looked at. In the land of theirs there were only a few who wasn't afraid of him, including his family. Citizens feared and hated him, just like everyone around him and he, as a true villain he was in Jinsoul's life, enjoyed every single minute of his cruelness.

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