How I learned to make youtube videos!

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By: Shivani Kotturi
I can make youtube videos! As a seven year old kid I loved watching youtube videos. I wanted to make youtube videos, so I used to pretend that I was making videos. After that I used to ask my parents to watch my videos. Before my parents came I was nervous,scared, and happy, but instead my parents fell asleep or were watching something else.These are the reasons why I wanted to start my own youtube channel.

When I started youtube,I was afraid that people would not like my videos. So, I copied other youtuber's ideas and made videos using them.I didn't succeed by doing this. I didn't get any  followers. I was very disappointed. I was determined to prove myself in front of everyone. I decided to come up with unique ideas.

So, I started to look up ideas on google. I watched videos and took suggestions from the people who helped me in making youtube videos to get inspiration. Then I thought about when I was a seven year old kid, and I loved watching youtube videos. I wanted to make my own youtube videos, and I used to pretend that I was making youtube videos. I thought that I should take what I did back then and act it out. I took my brother's help to prepare a script for my videos. I used to practice a lot acting on camera with my mom. She used to film my videos. I meditated to keep myself calm and to get new ideas. I made a video on fashion. I made an eye -catching thumbnail for it with beautiful pictures of me on it. I filmed myself as a model using different outfits. I gave different poses. My mom helped me in filming. My brother helped in editing.

Finally, my video was posted on youtube.I was scared and excited for the result. I got a lot of positive feedback. I got 56 subscribers for that video and about 600 views. Later, I made videos on fun related topics like scripts, toy videos, and more. My brother and I made a script for Christmas. I was overjoyed. For every video I uploaded my subscribers increased. It gave me a lot of  courage and encouragement to come up with new videos. I am happy my youtube videos are unique and original. Now I am famous for being myself.

Making videos on youtube makes me joyful. I feel proud to represent myself on youtube. It became my favorite hobby. I learned to make unique videos on youtube. I am planning to make more  youtube videos and to grow as a successful youtuber. My determination and practice made me a successful youtuber.


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