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IT WAS RARE FOR SAEBOM High to have new students, especially in the middle of the school year. So when Naelea had let loose of this information to Iris, the girl couldn't help but become curious to see who this new girl was.

She had heard some rumors about the school's new goddess on her way to homeroom with Suho, but she wasn't really one to pay attention to what others said and assumed it was about something else. Which's why she was disappointed she hadn't connected the dots earlier and figured the information out on her own.

With linked arms, the two girls entered their classroom, greeting their fellow classmates as they headed towards where their friends where sitting accompanied by an unfamiliar face.

"Hey guys." Iris said as they neared.

Sua was the first to look up and once her eyes landed on Iris, she couldn't help but squeal from excitement, "Iris! You're finally back!" she said as she jumped up and engulfed the raven into a hug.

Soojin chuckled from behind them, "Relax Sua, she was only gone for like one day." she said to which Naelea agreed.

Sua sighed, "Yeah one long day." she said resting her head on the taller girls upper body.

Iris smiled at the affection, enjoying it just as much as the shorter raven did, "Awe, I missed you too!"

As the two pulled apart, Iris was finally able to have a good look at the new girl everyone was talking about and when she did, she couldn't help but be slightly amazed by her beauty. Her features somehow seemed to sculpt perfectly on her face.

Those gorgeous brown eyes that she couldn't seem to tare her gaze away from, her perfect smooth skin that Iris was sure would feel soft upon the touch of, and her beautiful plumped lips that looked like they came out of a vogue cover.

There was no way someone could be that ethereal in real life. She must have been a descendant of Aphrodite or something.

Naelea who noticed her best friends lingering stare cleared her throat, "Iris, this is the new girl Lim Jugyeong." she introduced before turning to Jugyeong to do the same.

"Jugyeong. This is Iris Aulora Kim. The girl we were telling you about yesterday." she added and Iris finally broke out of her trance which she was sure must have seemed creepy to the girl, and instead gave her a soft smile.

"Hey, it's nice to meet you." she said as she held her hand out for her to shake.

The girl stared at her for a moment, hesitant, before shaking it and returning the smile, "You too. I've heard so much about you."

"I know it can be hard to move in the middle of the school year. So if you ever need any sort of help, whether it's school or anything else, just let me know." Iris told her, wanting to make sure she felt welcomed.

Jugyeong was taken aback by the words, not expecting them in the first place, especially from someone as gorgeous as the girl before her. However, before she had a chance to respond or even utter a single word, their homeroom teacher walked in causing them to put a halt to their conversation and return to their individual seats to separate in the mean time.

As Jugyeong watched Iris walk away from them and towards her seat in the back row, she couldn't help but awe. She had finally met the 'school's sweetheart' and to say she was amazed would be an understatement. She was entranced.

Not only was Iris utterly gorgeous, even more in real life compared to the photos she saw of her online, but she was just as sweet as people had described her to be. Originally, Jugyeong was slightly intimidated to meet her when Sua, Soojin and Naelea had talked about her.

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